Antipathy to Type Systems
started 11/22/2003; 9:32:41 AM - last post 12/2/2003; 8:49:26 PM
Isaac Gouy - Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/22/2003; 9:32:41 AM (reads: 569, responses: 22)
"Many people in the lightweight community seem to have a certain antipathy to type systems. I would class them into a few off-the-cuff categories:
- Never programmed in a typed language.
- Can't stand the type annotations.
- Believe the idea of constraint (which is fundamental to a type system) is evil, especially during prototyping.
- Have a deep understanding of types of all sorts, but aren't comfortable with them for reasons that'll take hours to explain.
Most people I've encountered in this community who claim to dislike types fall in the first three categories. Shockingly often, they have never programmed in ML (SML or OCaml). I contend that most of them can be cured of most of their antipathy by a sound dose of ML.
Of course, types are only a starting point for making claims about the robustness of a program's behavior. There are much more sophisticated means of validating programs that go far beyond the very simplistic set of (mis)behaviors covered by most type systems."
from Lightweight Languages list
Patrick Logan - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/22/2003; 1:33:16 PM (reads: 545, responses: 0)
I would add:
5. Have programmed in various statically type checked languages from C and Java to Haskell and ML, but have not found a productivity increase over simpler, dynamically safe languages accompanied by test-driven design.
Luke Gorrie - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/23/2003; 1:44:14 AM (reads: 502, responses: 0)
I think it would be very illuminating to know more about the background of people debating type systems. For example, what languages have they programmed in seriously in the past few years, and what type of programs are they writing?
Interesting patterns may well emerge. I suspect that most ML and Haskell fans spend a lot more time writing programs that need to manipulate complex data structures than I do. (If not, that would be very interesting!)
If people knew how embarrassingly simple the types in most of my programs are, I wonder if they'd bother recommending static checking to me. :-)
Frank Atanassow - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/24/2003; 8:32:20 AM (reads: 431, responses: 0)
Interesting patterns may well emerge. I suspect that most ML and Haskell fans spend a lot more time writing programs that need to manipulate complex data structures than I do.
Possibly true, but I think that has more to do with the way ML/Haskell people implement things than it has to do with the sorts of (specifications of) programs they write. In a typed language one tends, unsurprisingly, to want to exploit the type system to preserve static invariants and to avoid as much as is possible (or practical) forcing things to share the same representation.
For example, if I need to represent the days of the week in Haskell, I might introduce a new type:
data Week = Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | ...
whereas in C one would just typedef int and in Scheme one would use symbols, both of which unnecessarily force a choice of representation.
Now if I want to represent a weekly schedule, I might define:
data Schedule = Schedule (Week -> [Event])
whereas in C or Scheme one could just use an array/vector, since the indices are numbers. So you see how these things tend to propagate.
Now, of course, there is nothing preventing me from representing Week as a subset of the integers in Haskell; neither is there anything preventing me from representing Week as an abstract datatype in C or Scheme (well, assuming a module system or using procedural abstraction to hide the implementation type).
However, because C's type system is so weak, and because Scheme doesn't catch static type errors, it's not practical; as I see it, these languages tend to place more burden on the programmer to remember when something is implemented abstractly or not. So one tends to reduce that burden by not implementing things abstractly.
Patrick Logan - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/24/2003; 5:58:35 PM (reads: 408, responses: 0)
Now if I want to represent a weekly schedule, I might define:
data Schedule = Schedule (Week -> [Event])
whereas in C or Scheme one could just use an array/vector, since the indices are numbers. So you see how these things tend to propagate.
Is this a good time to mention Smalltalk or Python? Or even a more abstract implementation in Scheme?
Frank's post seems to be a bit of a strawman argument otherwise.
Frank Atanassow - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/25/2003; 7:27:00 AM (reads: 388, responses: 0)
Is this a good time to mention Smalltalk or Python? Or even a more abstract implementation in Scheme?
Frank's post seems to be a bit of a strawman argument otherwise.
I'm a bit bewildered by your response. In the part you quote, I try to explain why in statically typed languages types tend to get more complex as a program grows larger. And then you accuse me of setting up a strawman argument....?
This reminds me a bit of the scene in High Fidelity where Barry brings a tape in to the record store on Monday morning.
Don't you want to hear what's next?
What's next?
Play it.
Say it.
"Little Latin Lupe Lu."
Rob groans.
Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels?
No. The Righteous Brothers.
Oh well. Nevermind.
Barry bristles and moves slowly in on Dick.
No, not nothing. What's wrong with
the Righteous Brothers?
Nothing. I just prefer the other
How can it be bullshit to state a
Luke Gorrie - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/25/2003; 8:14:49 AM (reads: 390, responses: 4)
An honest question: Is the benefit of static typing precisely that if I use it I will save all the time that I currently spend debugging type errors? Or is it more, or less, and why?
Also, is the definition of "type error" likely to be broader than I might expect? If so, can you give a surprising example?
(Actually, it seems a bit silly to ask these questions. Obviously serious first-hand experience is required to appreciate both ML-like type systems and Lisp/Smalltalk/Erlang-like interactive programming. Otherwise we'd all understand each other perfectly after the many debates around the 'net.)
Ehud Lamm - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/25/2003; 9:03:09 AM (reads: 369, responses: 0)
One thing often neglected in these debates is that it's not just a matter of static vs. dynamic checking: designing a type system is also and perhaps more importantly about expressiveness.
Some type systems let you express things that require program logic otherwise. Whether this is a good thing depends on the situation.
Consider a simple example. My students just had to turn in an assignment (using Ada) in which a DFA (finite state machine) was implemented, and used to search for occurrences of a pattern inside a longer string.
Ada generic units are the subject of this exercise, so we ask them to create an Ada package that is parameterized by the parameters of a DFA: Sigma (the Alphabet), the set of states (Q), the starting state (q0), the transition function (delta) and the set of final or accpeting states (F).
Since this is Ada, the set of states can be represnted using an Ada enumeration type (similar to the weekday type Frank showed in Haskell). Ada generic units can have type parameters. The same thing can be done with sigma (in fact the builtin type Character is an enumeration type).
Now consider the question of representing the transition function. You can pass a funcion parameter. However, you can also pass a matrix. Since arrays in Ada are normal arrays (not associative arrays) they can only have indexes that are discrete types. Enumeration types qualify. So if we represent Q and sigma as enumeration types, we can pass a matrix (with indexes of type Q and Sigma) for delta. Had we chosen to represent Q as a list (or array) of state names (strings), we would have needed to translate these names into array indexes ourselves. Using enumeration types in this, array indexes come for free.
It's not a matter of good vs. bad. It's just the enumeration types add to the expressiveness of the language.
While I am discussing this example, let me mention one more thing. The DFA package provides an operation Consume_Char that takes a char from sigma and advances the DFA. Notice that this routine doesn't need to check that the char belongs to sigma, since Consume_Char is defined as receiveing a parameter of type sigma.
Only last example: If we represent delta as a matrix, we can be certain the the package is provided with information about what to do for each (char,state) pair, since the matrix spans both indexes.
There's a lot more to this simple example, but I think it's enough to give a flavor of what typeful programming can mean, even in a language with a type system weaker than H-M (with function types etc.)
andrew cooke - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/25/2003; 9:19:33 AM (reads: 368, responses: 2)
Is the benefit of static typing precisely that if I use it I will save all the time that I currently spend debugging type errors? Or is it more, or less, and why?
in my (limited) experience, it helps in the following four ways. since i've not had that much experience of dynamic typed languages, these are mainly positive things that seem to be related to the type system; maybe there are alternative approaches if you don't have types.
- like you said, it catches bugs. to be honest, it's not as big a step (in my experience) as going from weak typing (ie c) to strong checking (eg python) (i'm currently working in a weird language that's fortan plus c's dynamic memory, with untyped pointers, and it can be *hell* to debug, but that's mostly because of lack of checking, rather than static typing) (sorry, i tell a lie, for the last month i've been working in the scripting "language" for the system, which - get this - doesn't even have functions (it has arrays, but they're broken, so in practice you use temporary files on disk as arrays.... sigh))
- when you're hacking code around ("refactoring") you can exploit the type system to tell you where things have changed. this is hugely useful when you're dealing with a pile of horrible ill maintained code. in practical, get-your-job-done terms, this seems like the biggest advantage of static typing (i used to work with java and this saved my ass so many times...)
- it clarifies higher level functional programming. maybe this is just because i'm still not so good at it, but i find type annotations really useful in understanding what's happening when messing around with haskell. i'd tried programming in a similar style in lisp, but got lost. no doubt that's largely because i was so clueless (i can't separate out the two effects without going back to lisp, and i really can't be bothered; if i were doing it again, i'd add type annotations to the lisp, even if they were just comments).
- it lets you specify interfaces (i guess this is partly catching bugs and partly documentation). i debated including this, but cardelli mentions it too (i believe there are quite sophisticated package systems for some of the schemes, but i don't know how they work or what they do, exactly).
i don't pretend for a minute that these are fixed things that apply to everyone, or that there's no disadvantges to static types (there certainly are!). it's just personal experience. at the moment, i think haskell is fun, but i couldn't promise that in 10 years time i won't be playing with scheme and enjoying myself just as much...
hmm, having written all that, and read it, i guess i can state things more succinctly: it provides formal documentation, in a style that helps understand and specify complex behaviour, and which can be verified automatically. the system (documentation and verification) can be exploited to find code that is inconsistent with changes in the specification.
Luke Gorrie - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/25/2003; 9:40:20 AM (reads: 364, responses: 2)
Ehud: That is a surprising example indeed! Could you post an implementation if you have one handy?
Andrew: Your experience is so familiar that it reminds me of something I had forgotten completely: that I have been a static typing fan for most of my life, and only began to take dynamic typing seriously a few years ago. It feels like another life :-)
Today Amazon shipped my copy of The Haskell School of Expression, so perhaps I'll be a static typing fan again soon enough. (I mostly bought it for the lazy evaluation, since that clearly matters).
Patrick Logan - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/25/2003; 10:14:44 AM (reads: 354, responses: 3)
I'm a bit bewildered by your response. In the part you quote, I try to explain why in statically typed languages types tend to get more complex as a program grows larger. And then you accuse me of setting up a strawman argument....?
I see your types as a good thing, better than just using "representations", i.e. integers and arrays.
But I also see objects in a language like Smalltalk as a good thing, maybe better than types in Haskell. And I see the use of either functions or "home-grown objects" in Scheme as being at least as good as Haskell's types.
Both types in Haskell and objects in Smalltalk are better than "representation" conventions in C.
I thought the straw man was comparing types to "representations" only in Scheme. Clearly types are better in this dichotomy.
However, to suggest this is only a dichotomy, and this example as a typical use of Scheme is what concerned me. Maybe it is "typical", I don't know. But it's not "good" and so it's not what a good Scheme programmer would recommend.
scruzia - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/25/2003; 10:22:56 AM (reads: 352, responses: 1)
I have one addition to the list Andrew wrote, though I hesitate to mention it because it relates to "human factors" and is therefore quite subjective in the
absence of any significant studies of programmers' productivity.
For some of us, static typing feels like it helps with creativity. Once the roles of a few major data structures and/or components in a program have been decided, this partial structuring can serve as a spur, a guide to further creative development.
I think of this effect as analogous to writers restricting their writing to a certain form (a sonnet, or a book that avoids the letter "e"); or to a
songwriter tuning his guitar to unusual or unfamiliar tunings, in order to "stir the muse".
scruzia - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/25/2003; 10:43:15 AM (reads: 351, responses: 0)
andrew cooke - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/25/2003; 11:39:22 AM (reads: 343, responses: 1)
There's a related issue with whether types are equivalent structurally or (checks *that* paper again for the right term) by name. In Haskell, I often have types like:
type Angle = Double
type Age = Double
So that my type annotations are clearer. Now, I believe, type only defines aliases, so Angle and Age are equivalent. Really, I would like them to be distinct, because I don't want to rotate something by an age. However, as far as I can see, I'd need to define something like:
data Angle = Angle Double<br/>
data Age = Age Double
and then add in/remove the Angle/Age type constructors in the code. Which is way too cumbersome. But Haskell already has gotchas with the way it coerces literal numeric values (IIRC) and I guess this might make things worse. And, of course, I'd still want addition etc to work on these, so it would be even more complicated as I'd have to make sure that the declaration included the right type classes...
(Hmm. Subclassing would work just fine.)
(All this modulo whatever simple and patently obvious solution Frank posts in a moment...)
andrew cooke - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/25/2003; 11:41:23 AM (reads: 343, responses: 0)
helps with creativity
i deleted that from my list before posting! :o)
Bryn Keller - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/25/2003; 1:45:43 PM (reads: 341, responses: 0)
It doesn't really help with the 'cumbersome' part, but
newtype Angle = Angle Double
newtype Age = Age Double
will get you two typesafe aliases for Double. The 'newtype' declaration declares that Age and Angle are synonyms for 'Double', but can't be used interchangeably. If you did this with 'data' instead of 'newtype', you'd be declaring a record with one Double field, whereas 'type' and 'newtype' declare aliases for some other type, in this case Double. The 'newtype' version does require the constructors to be used, but the compiler strips them once it's sure you're using them safely. At run time it's just a Double.
Ehud Lamm - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/26/2003; 2:41:52 AM (reads: 312, responses: 1)
Ehud: That is a surprising example indeed! Could you post an implementation if you have one handy?
I don't like to post solutions to exercises on the net, bu I am sure I will be able to find something to send you by email if you want.
Luke Gorrie - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/26/2003; 9:50:56 AM (reads: 288, responses: 0)
If it's easy. I'm curious to see if e.g. Lisp could offer a surprising twist on the same problem.
Frank Atanassow - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/27/2003; 5:38:55 AM (reads: 280, responses: 0)
Luke: Is the benefit of static typing precisely that if I use it I will save all the time that I currently spend debugging type errors? Or is it more, or less, and why?
I guess that depends on you. If you exploit the type system, it will catch errors for you, including some kinds of errors that can provably never be caught by any form of testing, for example violations of desired properties quantified over an infinite domain. If you don't exploit it, well, then it won't catch such errors.
Frankly, though, I think the practical value of a type system lies at least as much in its role as formal documentation, as Andrew noted. It provides an abstract overview of a system. If you think of a program as two-layer entity, then with the top layer being the types, and the bottom layer being the values, then a type is a top-down abstraction of the overall behavior, so types are useful for planning and designing. It gives you something concrete and formal which you can write down, and even run through a compiler to check consistency and so on, even if you haven't fully conceived the program behavior.
In that particular sense, I think, types encourage incremental program development and experimentation, contrary to what dynamic typing advocates claim. DT also encourages that sort of thing, but the way it does is very different. The difference is like the difference between recursion and iteration. In recursion, you are always dealing with a `complete' data object, though that object may be a subobject of some other. In iteration, for example a for-loop, you are only dealing with bits and pieces of a complete object. Similarly, in an ST language, a type also describes a `complete' object, namely a program or expression; it's an incremental description in the sense that it doesn't give details about behavior. In a DT language, one gets incrementality (is that a word?) rather by leaving out definitions of names that, at the present stage in develop, won't get evaluated, or by only handling branches that won't, presently, be taken; in that sense you are dealing only with bits and pieces of the desired program.
Patrick: But I also see objects in a language like Smalltalk as a good thing, maybe better than types in Haskell. And I see the use of either functions or "home-grown objects" in Scheme as being at least as good as Haskell's types.
I think this is comparing apples with oranges. You can have objects and functions in statically typed languages as well, after all.
I thought the straw man was comparing types to "representations" only in Scheme. Clearly types are better in this dichotomy.
OK, but my point was rather that DT discourages abstraction because it leads to what some people (not me, though) consider `spurious' errors. For example, if the days of the week are represented as numbers (inabstractly) then you can use the usual arithmetic addition operator to increment a day. If you represent them abstractly, then if a programmer inadvertantly tries to add 1 to a day, you get a dynamic type error. The program would have `worked' if you hadn't abstracted the type. In that sense, there is a risk factor attached to abstraction in DT languages. In a statically typed language, though, errors of this sort are always caught statically, so there is no risk associated with making a type abstract.
scruzia: For some of us, static typing feels like it helps with creativity.
Yes, I feel that way. At the very least, writing down a type gives me something concrete to look at and think about. Sometimes I recognize a pattern, and can pull in knowledge from other areas like category theory.
Andrew: [re: Angle and Age]All this modulo whatever simple and patently obvious solution Frank posts in a moment...
First, observe that this has nothing to do with static typing. In a DT language, you would have to insert the constructors as well.
Second, no, sorry, there is no good solution for this in Haskell. I agree it's irksome and people complain about it a lot. In Generic Haskell, you could write a generic addition function which works on both those types, as well as normal arithmetic types, but it's a bit annoying because you have to mention the type anyways:
add{|Angle|} angle1 angle2
In Arrow, I think, you'll be able to do something similar, without needing to mention the type in brackets.
Neel Krishnaswami - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/27/2003; 1:43:46 PM (reads: 246, responses: 0)
Question about generic Haskell: Can polytypic function be used to break the data abstraction arising from existential types?
Dominic Fox - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/30/2003; 2:28:04 PM (reads: 211, responses: 0)
Here's my twopenn'orth on this. I opine that Python (DT) beats languages with primitive type systems, but is the poorer for not having a sophisticated type system. Bear in mind that as I'm a scarcely-literate savage myself, my idea of a "sophisticated" type system is basically Haskell...
Frank Atanassow - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/1/2003; 7:50:29 AM (reads: 186, responses: 0)
Question about generic Haskell: Can polytypic function be used to break the data abstraction arising from existential types?
Generic Haskell doesn't handle existential types. I would say that any extension to GH which did handle them should preserve such abstractions, otherwise it is broken.
Neel Krishnaswami - Re: Antipathy to Type Systems ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/2/2003; 8:49:26 PM (reads: 167, responses: 0)
Generic Haskell doesn't handle existential types. I would say that any extension to GH which did handle them should preserve such abstractions, otherwise it is broken.
Too bad; I was hoping the answer was "yes" and you had some simple, obvious mechanism for implementing it that would make me shout "D'oh!" when you explained it. :)