Frappe: Functional Reactive Programming in Java
started 12/4/2003; 5:44:13 PM - last post 12/5/2003; 9:36:02 PM
Patrick Logan - Frappe: Functional Reactive Programming in Java 
12/4/2003; 5:44:13 PM (reads: 8346, responses: 7)
Frappe: Functional Reactive Programming in Java |
I found no reference to this in the annals of LtU. Given the recent Scheme implementation of FRP, this one seems timely. It may be of interest to other OOP hackers as well... Smalltalk, Python, Ruby would have less boilerplate to deal with than JavaBeans do.
This paper presents Frappe, an implementation of FRP in the Java
progam- ming language. The primary contribution of Frappe is its
integration of the FRP event/behavior model with the Java Beans
event/property model. At the interface level, any Java Beans
component may be used as a source or sink for the FRP event and
behavior combinators. This provides a mechanism for extending Frappe
with new kinds of I/O connections and allows FRP to be used as a
high-level declarative model for composing applications from Java
Beans compo- nents. At the implementation level, the Java Beans event
model is used internally by Frappe to propagate FRP events and changes
to FRP behaviors. This allows Frappe applications to be packaged as
Java Beans components for use in other applications, and yields an
implementation of FRP well-suited to the requirements of event-driven
applications (such as graphical user interfaces).
Posted to object-functional by Patrick Logan on 12/4/03; 5:49:45 PM

Chris Double - Re: Frappe: Functional Reactive Programming in Java 
12/4/2003; 6:02:15 PM (reads: 630, responses: 0)
Do you have a pointer to the Scheme implementation?

Patrick Logan - Re: Frappe: Functional Reactive Programming in Java 
12/4/2003; 8:28:57 PM (reads: 604, responses: 0)
Ehud Lamm - Re: Frappe: Functional Reactive Programming in Java 
12/5/2003; 2:14:33 AM (reads: 560, responses: 0)
Dominic Fox - Re: Frappe: Functional Reactive Programming in Java 
12/5/2003; 3:32:16 AM (reads: 550, responses: 1)
The Yale Haskell group's paper on "Arrows, Robots and Functional Reactive Programming" is here, and is a very accessible treatment of the subject (which also, coincidentally, demonstrates the power and elegance of DSEL-construction-with-types-and-combinators-the-Haskell-way - so, you wanna lose some boilerplate...?)

Paul Snively - Re: Frappe: Functional Reactive Programming in Java 
12/5/2003; 4:37:14 PM (reads: 413, responses: 0)
Pardon my ignorance, but: how does a DrScheme user install FrTime?

Dave Herman - Re: Frappe: Functional Reactive Programming in Java 
12/5/2003; 9:36:02 PM (reads: 386, responses: 0)
AFAIK, the only way you can currently install FrTime is by downloading the latest nightly build or latest CVS copy of DrScheme. The nightly build is the easiest way (and the install process for nightly builds is getting easier all the time, thanks to Eli Barzilay); once you've installed it, FrTime is just a language level.

andrew cooke - Re: Frappe: Functional Reactive Programming in Java 
12/6/2003; 12:52:01 PM (reads: 312, responses: 0)
I've just read this (the Arrows paper) and enjoyed it, but want to know more about the details of what's running in the background - what manages the time sequencing? Can you recommend a suitable paper (I know I'm being lazy, but there are serveal...)
