This thesis is divided into three parts and a conclusion. The first part is about
domainspecific languages, more specifically about developing software by de
signing and implementing a new domainspecific language. The second part con
cerns partial evaluation, which was my second major point of interest in this Ph.D.
work. The third and last part describes a concrete case where a domainspecific
language was invented to enhance a specific software development process.
Niels Christensen's Ph.D. thesis.
I guess the main attraction here aside from the discussion of PE is that the work described was done in an industrial setting, and the author discusses the effect this had on how the project evolved.
The third part of the thesis is a detailed real-life example.
Section 1.3 gives the motivation for the project and contains a nice small scale example.
Posted to DSL by Ehud Lamm on 12/8/03; 1:45:35 AM