Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation
started 12/17/2003; 5:26:18 AM - last post 12/31/2003; 3:25:05 AM
Ehud Lamm - Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/17/2003; 5:26:18 AM (reads: 9282, responses: 2)
Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation |
Shriram Krishnamurthi, Brown University.
This is the text for my course at Brown, which I supplement with some
material that I discuss in the Preface. The course uses Scheme and is
interpreter-based, but diverges considerably from EoPL in both style
and coverage. In particular, it is part of my continuing attempt to
find a happy medium between the interpreter and survey-of-languages
schools of teaching programming languages.
I was quite fond of Shriram's previous set of lecture notes, and the lecture notes cum book he produced with Matthias Felleisen.
Posted to Misc-Books by Ehud Lamm on 12/17/03; 5:27:12 AM
Ehud Lamm - Re: Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/31/2003; 2:04:43 AM (reads: 127, responses: 0)
Part XI is, of course, a favorite.
Ehud Lamm - Re: Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/31/2003; 3:25:05 AM (reads: 116, responses: 0)
An amusing quote:
So what is “strong typing”?As best as we can tell,this is a meaningless phrase,and people often use it
in a nonsensical fashion.To some it seems to mean “The language has a type checker”. To others it means
“The language is sound”(that is,the type checker and run-time system are related).To most,it seems to
just mean,“A language like Pascal,C or Java,related in a way I can’t quite make precise”. For amusement,
when someone mentions the phrase “strongly typed”at a cocktail party,ask them to define it,then sit back and watch them squirm.And please, don’t use the term yourself unless you want to sound poorly-trained
and ignorant. Use the terminology of this course instead.