Research Publication Modes Need to be Reengineered
started 12/22/2003; 7:06:17 AM - last post 12/24/2003; 4:01:35 PM
Luke Gorrie - Research Publication Modes Need to be Reengineered 
12/22/2003; 7:06:17 AM (reads: 6640, responses: 4)
Ehud Lamm - Re: Research Publication Modes Need to be Reengineered 
12/22/2003; 8:39:14 AM (reads: 427, responses: 0)
A meta-discussion, how nice!
Let me take advantage of the fact we are discussing this sort of thing, to direct your attention to the Shame on IEEE campaign.

Luke Gorrie - Re: Research Publication Modes Need to be Reengineered 
12/23/2003; 1:20:16 AM (reads: 315, responses: 1)
One group who I think did things just right is the MIT AI Lab, who scanned all their publications and put them up for anonymous ftp. This gives everyone the "raw materials" to work with, and inevitable some clever people invent sites like LtU and citeseer and it all becomes very accessible to a lot of people. I think this is a nice way to disseminate research. It's the best way for it to reach me, anyway, and I must admit I'm very hobbyist-biased in all this.
Speaking of IEEE, the IETF are a great contrast. At work I deal with standards from both, and it's so much nicer to deal with IETF stuff. Even working for a company that pays organisations like IEEE and the ACM I spend a lot of time asking "who can tell me the password to download the FOO specification?" or rigging up proxies so that I can connect with an IP address that is authorized. It's a pathetic situation.
Another excellent online resource is the EWD archive. What are some others?
I'm really hoping that the ACM will follow suit and make all of their old documents freely redistributable. This would be a wonderful gift for LtU readers.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Research Publication Modes Need to be Reengineered 
12/23/2003; 8:49:04 AM (reads: 284, responses: 0)
I'm really hoping that the ACM will follow suit and make all of their old documents freely redistributable. This would be a wonderful gift for LtU readers.
Sure would. It'd a great Xmas gift from the ACM to the community...

Olivier Lefevre - Re: Research Publication Modes Need to be Reengineered 
12/24/2003; 4:01:35 PM (reads: 195, responses: 0)
What are some others? Well, arXiv (; formerly the
Los Alamos preprint archive) has a CS section, which incidentally
counts ACM as one of its sponsors, but it is very slow in gathering
momentum and the number of articles is puny compared to the physics
