Sometimes feels like new language designers concentrate on creativity & proficiency at the expense of usability & reliability (and maybe that's necessary to get a language noticed, although not sufficient to make the language useful).
"The hierarchy of needs principle specifies that a design must serve the low-level needs before the higher-level needs, such as creativity, can begin to be addressed.
- 5. Functionality needs have to do with meeting the most basic design requirements.
- 4. Reliability needs have to do with establishing stable and consistent performance.
- 3. Usability needs have to do with how easy and forgiving a design is to use.
- 2. Proficiency needs have to do with empowering people to do things better than they could previously.
- 1. Creativity is the level in the hierarchy where all needs have been satisfied, and people begin interacting with the design in innovative ways."
Universal Principles of Design p106
