The Behavior of Behavior
started 1/8/2004; 12:12:31 PM - last post 1/13/2004; 8:00:14 PM
Patrick Logan - The Behavior of Behavior 
1/8/2004; 12:12:31 PM (reads: 8655, responses: 7)
Isaac Gouy - Re: The Behavior of Behavior 
1/8/2004; 12:35:42 PM (reads: 464, responses: 0)
Going back to Smalltalk?

Patrick Logan - Re: The Behavior of Behavior 
1/8/2004; 2:41:10 PM (reads: 434, responses: 1)
Am *I* going back to Smalltalk?
It is difficult to say when I have left anything, it's just that more or less time passes between using the old standby's (Scheme, Smalltalk, CL) and trying something else (Python, Ruby, Haskell, Erlang). Although Python is more correctly on the former than the latter now.
I will be downloading the new VisualWorks release before too long. That's an exciting product and there are some things I want to do with Smalltalk this year. (I think Smalltalk and databases have a promising future together.) But I am also in the middle of building a Hot Draw in Python for multiple platforms (dotnet/GDI+, Cocoa, PyUI, and GTK+, maybe Jython/Java2D).

Ehud Lamm - Re: The Behavior of Behavior 
1/8/2004; 2:50:09 PM (reads: 442, responses: 0)
I am also in the middle of building a Hot Draw in Python for multiple platforms
I'd love to try this when you are done! HotDraw is a really cool idea, by the way. Worth checking up on, if you aren't haven't already.

Ehud Lamm - Re: The Behavior of Behavior 
1/8/2004; 2:55:55 PM (reads: 428, responses: 0)
Which goes to show you that in the beginning OOP and AOP were interwined. Then came compiled (and typed) languages, and the rest is history.

Isaac Gouy - Re: The Behavior of Behavior 
1/13/2004; 3:42:02 PM (reads: 128, responses: 0)
Patrick Logan - Re: The Behavior of Behavior 
1/13/2004; 6:02:21 PM (reads: 125, responses: 1)
"objects have failed" sounds like the kind of generalization *I* might make to start a conversation.

Isaac Gouy - Re: The Behavior of Behavior 
1/13/2004; 8:00:14 PM (reads: 121, responses: 0)
Well, it has been quiet ;-)
