This book was mentioned on c.l.functional as an intro to LC, and since I have the book open on my desk, I thought I'd mention it here.
This is a pretty short book (~ 160 pages), mostly dealing with the proof theory of type free LC.
The TOC:
- Inroduction
- Notation and Basic Theory
- Reduction
- Combinatory Logic
- Semantics
- Computability
- Types
- Practical Issues
- Other Calculi
- Further Reading
The book includes proofs, and provides exercises.
I found the presentation a bit cumbersome, since I think the idea of compuation by reduction and the computability aspects of the LC should be introduced earlier.
The chapter on combinatory logic is very good, and this is a great strength as this is usully treated as an after thought. The Further Reading section is also quite useful.
But linking this item to Amazon, I noticed that the price of the book is prohibitive. I think many introductions which are available online (and which we linked to in the past) provide much the same material almost for free.
Posted to LC by Ehud Lamm on 4/2/01; 8:57:09 AM