The Lambda ethos
started 1/18/2004; 1:57:49 PM - last post 1/27/2004; 9:53:51 AM
Ehud Lamm - The Lambda ethos 
1/18/2004; 1:57:49 PM (reads: 10445, responses: 28)
The Lambda ethos |
During the recent months the LtU readership has grown significantly. During this time I've have recieved quite a few questions about what is and is not appropriate for lambda. Maybe it's time to reflect a bit on lambda's style and content.
When I first started LtU, I had two guiding principles. First, I realized that programming languages constitute a vast field, and that there are many equally valid points of view. I wanted LtU to be open to this variety. Second, I wanted the site to be up to reasonable intellectual standards. We have enough religious wars in this field as it is.
I wasn't sure about the best way to achieve these two goals, but in retrospect I can try to explain why LtU achieved the success it has, going beyong my wildest dreams.
I wanted LtU to be a community site. I wanted many people to post items they found inteteresting. I think that many of those who only post to the discussion group are in fact responsible to the high quality of content here -- whether by being highly critical of shoddy reasoning, or by giving useful references and explanations. We've come to expect the input from these guys, and each plays his own special role in our rather exclusive community.
Even more important for the direction of the site are, of course, the contributing editors. Some of them post more regularly than others, but all try to only post links they think are worthy of attention. I am glad to say that this self-moderation and self-control proved to be enough.
But you can have to much of a good thing. It seems that some members and even some of the editors are aiming to such a high quality, that they decide not to post links to many interesting programming language related news that I am sure would be of interest to the rest of the LtU community.
No need for that. If you think something is relevant, and you are a regular, chances are you are correct. If something isn't that good, you can always post to the discussion group, and let an editor decide whether to link to the discussion group thread from the LtU home page. Even editors choose to do that from time to time. That's my approach when I want to discuss my work or ask questions.
So, if you are an editor feel free to post links, even if you are not 100% sure they are worthy (90% sure is enough ). If you are a member, and read LtU regularly, consider becoming an editor.
Andrew and Chris (hi guys) influenced the lambda ethos at least as much as I have. It's their wide ranging perspective that made lambda what it is today. This is a chance to thank them, and to prod them to contribute more often... Each of the editors had his own unique influence, and that's what made LtU so interesting for me personally. More recently, Patrick's posts and his out of the box thinking made LtU so much more inviting for views that fall outside the Haskell/Scheme/any-thing-esotric-goes camp. That's great. It's quite alright to debate OOP, but it is still one of the dominant approaches to programming language design.
I've seen LtU described as a "Lisp oriented" site, or as a site with a "functional programming bias". That's not how I see things.
Lambda is our site. We get to decide what we want to discuss. I trust the community to maintain the high quality of discussion we are used to, while still keeping a healthy flow of information.
And, most importantly, let's have fun.
Posted to admin by Ehud Lamm on 1/18/04; 2:03:47 PM

Ehud Lamm - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/18/2004; 2:34:15 PM (reads: 867, responses: 0)
And speaking of prodding: Mark, remember you promised to do some work on the FAQ?

Frank Atanassow - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/19/2004; 5:14:49 AM (reads: 755, responses: 1)
First, I realized that programming languages constitute a vast field, and that there are many equally valid points of view.
Yes, but let us not forget that some valid points of view are more equal than others. ;)

The occasional "unworthy" news item can be fun too, especially if a resident curmudgeon can provide an incisive response.

Ehud Lamm - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/19/2004; 7:33:33 AM (reads: 734, responses: 0)
I was so sure you are going to say this...

Mark Evans - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/20/2004; 1:22:03 PM (reads: 585, responses: 4)
Speaking of which, for the record here, my favorite LtU contributor is Frank Atanassow. I wish he would write more frequent epic threads like this. And I am keen to hear more about his nascent Arrow language (specifically, motivating factors, underlying concepts, anticipated potential). Arrow may one day vindicate Frank's perspectives. I just hope Microsoft does not do a rip-off or, worse yet, hire Frank and thereby own his work.
Ehud, consider me prodded about the FAQ.

andrew cooke - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/20/2004; 3:31:45 PM (reads: 577, responses: 3)
frank has it easy because he's right. when your ideas have a sound theoretical basis it's easy to kick everyone else into touch because you're on solid ground and they're not. at least, that's my experience as a physicist - when you understand the way (a lot of) the world works, it's easy make sense of a lot of things - and i'm starting to see that category theory does the same for computing.
in another on-line group that i frequent i recently asked what came after "meta" - is it possible to take the transition from argument to meta-argument, somehow abstract the process and apply it again (i was looking for something more than a second level of quoting!)? obviously the question is too vague/stupid to answer directly, but it provoked some useful comments - the most interesting (to my eyes) was the statement from a mathematician (and general smart person) that category theory was the best approximation he could think of for such an approach.
anyway, whether that makes sense or not, what i'd really like is some good recommendations for an introduction to category theory. the dumber the better.
ps this isn't meant to criticise frank at all - i enjoy his posts too and have learnt a lot.

Patrick Logan - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/20/2004; 9:03:38 PM (reads: 546, responses: 1)
frank has it easy because he's right.
Wow. Is he ever lucky! 8^)
when your ideas have a sound theoretical basis it's easy to kick everyone else into touch because you're on solid ground and they're not. at least, that's my experience as a physicist - when you understand the way (a lot of) the world works, it's easy make sense of a lot of things - and i'm starting to see that category theory does the same for computing.
Category theory does the same for *explaining* computing. I think it has yet to be conclusively tested whether category theory does the same for *practicing* programming.
(Yes, Frank *is* a sharp guy. I am not ready to concede he's right about everything. Yet.)

andrew cooke - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/21/2004; 2:19:22 AM (reads: 522, responses: 0)
you misunderstood me (perhaps) - my argument was that not that frank's smart, but that he has a position that's easy to defend. and i agree that this is about the theory rather than the practice of computing.
(sorry frank, to talk about you as though you are not here)
[later edit] - another example might make things clearer. about 15 years ago when i was at university, a few people were starting to talk about bayesian stats (the timing may depend on the area of study - this was astronomy). they weren't necessarily smarter, but they had clearer explanations for a lot of things that had seemed confusing before. at the time it was a somewhat weird/exotic/fringe thing. now it's accepted and largely the official doctrine. i get the same feeling about category theory.

samin ishtiaq - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/21/2004; 2:59:13 AM (reads: 510, responses: 3)
> good recommendations ... to category theory
These are not necessarily introductory texts (in fact, they
assume some maths and some type theory), but they are good
books to get your teeth into:
author = "J Lambek and PJ Scott",
title = "Introduction to Higher-Order Categorical Logic",
publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
year = "1984"
author = "P Taylor",
title = "Practical Foundations of Mathematics",
publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
year = "1999"

andrew cooke - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/21/2004; 4:14:10 AM (reads: 511, responses: 2)
thanks. amazon refs:
lambek and scott - the review sounds like this is aimed rather high (and out of print)
taylor - sounds better, but too expensive! (i'll see if the uni of chile has a copy though (partner is a prof there)).

Josh Dybnis - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/21/2004; 4:31:27 PM (reads: 467, responses: 1)
what i'd really like is some good recommendations for an introduction to category theory. the dumber the better
discussed recently
I can't vouch for the book they are using, I haven't read it yet. But looking at the introduction and first few chapters, the authors are aiming for something accessible to high school students.

andrew cooke - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/22/2004; 6:22:40 AM (reads: 423, responses: 0)
Frank Atanassow - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/22/2004; 7:28:25 AM (reads: 411, responses: 0)
Thanks for the kudos, guys.
And I am keen to hear more about his nascent Arrow language
Hm, yeah, me too. *cough* I must get around to that one of these days... I've been developing some of the ideas vis-a-vis type isomorphisms in recent papers, but it's still very much a diamond in the rough.
some good recommendations for an introduction to category theory. the dumber the better.
The Schanuel and Lawvere text mentioned in the categories discussion group thread is indeed pretty, er, dumb. Not much good for programming, though. Asperti and Longo's Categories, Types and Structures is more useful IMO, but I still think most people will struggle with it, as its a bit short on motivation.
Writing such a text is also perpetually on my own to-do list, but I keep putting it off because I would like to use Arrow programs for the examples.
Category theory does the same for *explaining* computing. I think it has yet to be conclusively tested whether category theory does the same for *practicing* programming.
My position is that if you can explain it (analyze it), you can practice it better.
OTOH, I agree that learning CT will not magically turn you into a better programmer. It may well be the case that the (supposed) correlation between understanding CT and being a good programmer has as much to do with the fact that both require a modicum of intellectual ability as it has to do with increased ability to analyze programs.
I am not ready to concede he's right about everything. Yet.
You'll come around eventually, Patrick. You're too smart not to. ;)

Luke Gorrie - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/23/2004; 5:35:52 PM (reads: 352, responses: 0)
frank has it easy because he's right. when your ideas have a sound theoretical basis it's easy to kick everyone else into touch because you're on solid ground and they're not.
But it's comforting for us category-theory-resisting philistines that his position it not completely unassailable.
Another thing we can learn from the past is the failure of characterizations like "Computing Science is really nothing but X", where for "X" you may substitute your favourite discipline, such as numerical analysis, electrical engineering, automata theory, queuing theory, lambda calculus, discrete mathematics or proof theory. I mention this because of the current trend to equate computing science with constructive type theory or with category theory.
-- EW Dijkstra, The next fifty years
(Not to suggest Dijkstra would approve of the way I do things :-)

Marc Hamann - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/24/2004; 9:25:53 AM (reads: 340, responses: 1)
I think a good CT book for a beginner would be Lawvere and Shanuel's
Conceptual Mathematics.
It does a good job of "concretizing" some of the intuitions about arrows that some of the other texts take for granted.
It also doesn't rely on an extensive background in group theory, topology, etc. that most of the other common texts do.

Mark Evans - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/24/2004; 1:27:55 PM (reads: 330, responses: 0)
Category Theory is not the reason I appreciate Frank's input. It doesn't take CT to dispel the misconceptions that float around in typical language discussions. THAT is why I enjoy reading Frank. He has a way of clearing the smoke from the air.
That said, I wish Frank the best of luck with CT approaches. One never knows what obscure corner of mathematics will bring the next killer app. To cite two examples, fractals and quaternions sat around unused for decades until they were "rediscovered" by CGI animators (1990s) and aerospace flight engineers (1960s), respectively.

andrew cooke - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/25/2004; 10:39:09 AM (reads: 293, responses: 0)
thanks. this one has come up before, but the amazon reviews don't leave me feeling very warm and fuzzy. it seems there's a market niche for a better written "category theory for idiots". for the moment i'm going to go with the one i downloaded for free (well, in theory - in practice i'm still finishing off my latest project).

Chris Rathman - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/25/2004; 11:02:29 AM (reads: 282, responses: 1)
I think it's high time that someone wrote a book for Category Theory along the lines of a Goedel, Escher, Bach. Something that raises more questions than it answers, but gives the feel for what Category Theory is all about - and not just in terms of computer science.

Ehud Lamm - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/25/2004; 11:42:42 AM (reads: 281, responses: 0)
As you may recall the plan is first to produce The Little Haskellist (tm). What you are thinking of is, probably, more in line with the imagined The Seasoned and generic Haskellist (patent pending).

andrew cooke - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/27/2004; 7:15:46 AM (reads: 239, responses: 4)
these notes are pretty damn good.
just skimming through the first 20 or so pages on the bus last night it becamse a lot clearer how categories, pre-categories and functors fit together to make this useful. and there's a fairly long worked example that, it's pointed out at the end, is hugely general, which i think is pretty neat.
at the moment i can't think of an example of a category where the morphisms are numbers and the composition addition. any suggestions?
(a pre-category is easy - addition on whatever set of numbers you're talking about, but to turn this into a category the morphisms must be number tuples (initial value and increment) to meet the unique-type condition. or am i already confused?)

Frank Atanassow - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/27/2004; 7:31:48 AM (reads: 241, responses: 3)
at the moment i can't think of an example of a category where the morphisms are numbers and the composition addition. any suggestions?
You just gave it, essentially. All that's left to define is what the objects, identities and typings are. For the objects, you can stipulate only one, arbitrary object, say *; for the identities it has to be the number zero; for the typings, take every number n as n : * --> *.
Of course, this is just a monoid, but every monoid is a category.

andrew cooke - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/27/2004; 7:44:27 AM (reads: 244, responses: 2)
is there a dfference between saying "every morphism is numbered" and "every morphism is a number", because it seems to me that associating evey number with "* --> *" is stretching what it means for "morphisms are numbers". you could replace "number" with "fruit" and nothing would change (ok, so that's supposed to be an advantage of the theory, but doesn't the "morphisms are numbers" mean that somehow the morphism has to have a "connection" with numbers - the the value of the number is used by the morphism? or is this what he's getting at when he talks about categories not dealing with the structure of objects?)
(and thanks - i'll shut up after this, because it's not really language related).
[ps - on edit - for example, the category with the single object "1" and the morhpisms that raise it to the nth power would be a solution that seems more in line with the morphisms being numbers]

Ehud Lamm - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/27/2004; 7:53:38 AM (reads: 249, responses: 0)
i'll shut up after this, because it's not really language related
Since there's so much language research using category theory these days, it's quite on topic for LtU.

Frank Atanassow - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/27/2004; 9:10:21 AM (reads: 241, responses: 0)
is there a dfference between saying "every morphism is numbered" and "every morphism is a number"
I guess so, since I don't know exactly what you mean by the first. :/ Unless you're saying (which I doubt) that the collection of morphisms is denumerable, that is, has size the smallest degree of infinity.
because it seems to me that associating evey number with "* --> *" is stretching what it means for "morphisms are numbers".
Why? Are you sure you understood what I wrote? (Or maybe I misunderstood you.) I meant that every morphism has as domain and codomain the single object of the category.
Maybe I should be clearer. Take Ob = {*} and Ar = Hom(*,*) = N (the naturals). Then cod and dom are forced. Then take id_* as zero, and composition as addition. The result is a category. If you don't believe me, then all you have to do is verify that addition is associative and has zero as a left and right unit (and that typing is preserved, N is a set, blah blah blah).
To say "the morphisms of category C are X" is to say "Ar(C) = X". To say "every morphism has type *-->*" is to say "cod(x)=* and dom(x)=*, for all x in Ar(C)". So I don't see why it's a stretch; I can define cod and dom any way I like, as long as they produce values in Ar(C).
you could replace "number" with "fruit" and nothing would change
Something would change. You can't add fruit. You would need to define a suitable notion of what it means to compose fruits, and what an identity fruit is.
but doesn't the "morphisms are numbers" mean that somehow the morphism has to have a "connection" with numbers - the the value of the number is used by the morphism?
Are you asking if the composition function needs to depend on its arguments?
It doesn't have to, though it usually does. In this case it does, since you need to know what numbers to add.
is this what he's getting at when he talks about categories not dealing with the structure of objects?
Perhaps inasmuch as it doesn't matter what the single object of the category is.
for example, the category with the single object "1" and the morhpisms that raise it to the nth power would be a solution that seems more in line with the morphisms being numbers
To me, "morhpisms that raise it to the nth power" sounds like the morphisms are functions on numbers, not numbers themselves. Are you mixing up morphisms and objects?

Frank Atanassow - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/27/2004; 9:40:12 AM (reads: 230, responses: 1)
Sorry, I didn't notice this bit in your original post:
(a pre-category is easy - addition on whatever set of numbers you're talking about, but to turn this into a category the morphisms must be number tuples (initial value and increment) to meet the unique-type condition. or am i already confused?)
And now that I've looked at Fokkinga's notes, perhaps I can guess at the source of your confusion. (BTW, he writes tgt/src for my cod/dom.)
You seem to think that the typing relation, which he writes ":", is somehow "universal", or comes as part of Ar. This is why perhaps it seems unnatural to give type *-->* to numbers. But the typing relation is not universal, it is part of the data that define a category. If you prefer, you can write "TYPE-OF(f,a-->b)" instead of "f : a-->b"; and this relation TYPE-OF must be defined for each category. (Actually, it is just a function Ar-->Ob*Ob because of the unique typing requirement.)
Furthermore, TYPE-OF can be (and frequently is) different for categories which nevertheless share the same definitions of Ar, or even both Ar and Ob.
For example, the category Mod(F) of algebras of endofunctor F on some category C has the same arrows as C, but different objects, so TYPE-OF is necessarily different.
The opposite category -C of a category C has the same objects and arrows as C, but TYPE-OF(f,A-->B) in C iff TYPE-OF(f,B-->A) in -C.
A more extreme example is the Kleisli category Kl(T) for a monad T on C. It has the same objects as C, and as arrows all arrows f s.t. TYPE-OF(f,A-->TB) in C; but TYPE-OF is defined like TYPE-OF(f,A-->B) in Kl(C).
(BTW, "precategory" is not a standard concept; Fokkinga only uses it as a means to an end.)

andrew cooke - Re: The Lambda ethos 
1/27/2004; 9:53:51 AM (reads: 234, responses: 0)
i'm now at work and won't have any spare thinking time for a while, so thanks for that and please don't take the following silence as lack of interest.
[edit: not sure it's worth explaining what i was doing wrong, but mainly i was confusing "number" with "applying a function, one of whose arguments is a number"]
