Algorithmic complexity of evaluation: lazy, eager, pure and impure
started 1/20/2004; 5:54:33 PM - last post 1/21/2004; 8:29:51 AM
Jim Apple - Algorithmic complexity of evaluation: lazy, eager, pure and impure 
1/20/2004; 5:54:33 PM (reads: 313, responses: 2)
This links to papers showing that lazy evaluation is sometime strictly faster than eager evaluation without assignment, and this shows that eager evaluation with assignment is sometimes strictly faster than eager evaluation without assignment. Are there any languages out there without lazy evaluation and without assignment?

andrew cooke - Re: Algorithmic complexity of evaluation: lazy, eager, pure and impure 
1/20/2004; 6:04:39 PM (reads: 315, responses: 0)
wouldn't the pure subset of most languages be "eager evaluation without assignment"? useful examples would be ml and lisp.

Patrick Logan - Re: Algorithmic complexity of evaluation: lazy, eager, pure and impure 
1/21/2004; 8:29:51 AM (reads: 274, responses: 0)