Unfortunately, existing solutions for extending C-like languages are either not expressive enough or [they are] targeted at compiler experts, thus preventing other system builders [non-experts] from reaping similar benefits. In particular, the C preprocessor has limited expressive power and, as a textual substitution system, is inherently unsafe. Next, while C++ templates are Turing-complete, they do not allow for the introduction of new abstraction mechanisms, such as a module system, or changing the compiler itself...to introduce domain-specific extensions. Finally ... existing compilers ... are very large programs and, if they are extensible at all, [are] targeted [only] at compiler experts...
Just recently released from NYU. Note xtc's usage of a packrat parser generator, which perhaps augments the attraction. Not that I am peddling C derivatives, but Ehud likes news with a DSL angle, and of course C is immensely popular. There are a couple of independent, poorly implemented "hacked C" projects to which some benefit might accrue from xtc.
Posted to DSL by Mark Evans on 3/7/04; 10:18:46 PM