T. Veldhuizen, Guaranteed Optimization for Domain-Specific Programming. In Domain-Specific Program Generation, ed. C. Lengauer and D. Batory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
unless one truly needs a language with radically new semantics or syntax, it's prudent to work with a well-supported, general-purpose language (c.f. [Hud96]). Unfortunately the existing mainstream languages aren't extensible enough to do interesting, high-performance DSL work in a natural way. Therefore a fruitful direction for research is to extend the reach of general-purpose languages; in this we pursue the old, probably unattainable dream of a universal language suitable for all purposes, a dream that goes back at least to Leibniz and his grandiose vision of a Characteristica Universalis in which to formalize all human thought (c.f. [Tho01]). In the past half-century useful connections have been found between logic, type theory, algebra, compilers, and verification; perhaps it is a good time to examine these threads of convergence and take stock of the prospects for universal programming languages.
The focus of the paper is on guaranteed optimization, which addresses some aspects of performance, and proof embeddings, which address safety.
Posted to DSL by Ehud Lamm on 3/8/04; 4:29:03 AM