Polymorphism from a type-oriented point of view
started 4/18/2001; 11:13:35 PM - last post 4/18/2001; 11:13:35 PM
Chris Rathman - Polymorphism from a type-oriented point of view 
4/18/2001; 11:13:35 PM (reads: 688, responses: 0)
Polymorphism from a type-oriented point of view |
This is an explanation of polymorphism and subtyping from the Java perspective. Purely on the introductory level, but I'm always on the lookout for simple and concise explanations of polymorphism and OOP. Comes from having to explain the concept to people who are unfamiliar with OOP and it's terminology.
Posted to OOP by Chris Rathman on 4/18/01; 11:19:35 PM
