Future Directions for C++
started 4/23/2001; 7:25:02 PM - last post 4/30/2001; 11:33:46 AM
Chris Rathman - Future Directions for C++ 
4/23/2001; 7:25:02 PM (reads: 1487, responses: 16)
Future Directions for C++ |
/. has been pretty good of late on reporting things about programming languages. Got this link for the Slashdot posting on Next Generation C++ In The Works.
From just glancing at it, I'd say the emphasis is going to be on expanding the standard libraries, with an eye towards the success of the J2EE API's. The standard C++ libraries have always been minimalist.
Posted to general by Chris Rathman on 4/23/01; 7:28:36 PM

Ehud Lamm - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/24/2001; 6:03:24 AM (reads: 1449, responses: 0)
Standard libraries as quite important for language success. I guess it is one of the major reasons why Java has had such a success: you get so much for free.
C++, with the STL, has quite a lot to offer, too.
Other languages suffer. For example, Ada - a language born for resue - dosn't come with a rich enough standard library.

andrew cooke - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/24/2001; 11:13:44 PM (reads: 1445, responses: 0)
I've just listened to this (actually, I'm writing this to a text file,
as lambda seems to be down, and will post tomorrow), all the way
- They seem to ignore the complexity of the language when wondering
why libraries aren't more popular (imho that complexity - which forces "programming conventions" - stops
libraries from working well together unless you lock in to one
- In general, there seems to be a need for guidance on conventions (look at all the effective C++ books etc). Does it really need to be such an "open" language? Especially as it seems (the impression I get from the talk) to be slipping from a general language to one for systems programming.
- No-one mentioned GC until the very last question, and then the
response only extended to
this. Don't
they understand that no-one in their right mind wants to manage memory
after using a high level language? Not even when it's hidden as much
as possible by conventions and smart pointers.
- People seemed very impressed by
ACE (a big
emphasis on distributed computing).
- Stroustrup seemed quite content to hit a compiler error "once or
twice a week" ("doesn't warp the design").
- This
was mentioned; looks interesting (modulo usual rider about things
supported in other languages looking new and important just because
they are complex in C++).

Ehud Lamm - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/25/2001; 3:02:06 AM (reads: 1456, responses: 1)
Would you really want GC in a low-level language like C++? Part of the appeal of such language is the control they give over such things as memory handling. If you want ML you know where to find it...
I think the Ada approach (sotrage pools) is an interesting compromise. I am not sure how useful it really is, but it is worth checking out.
ACE is indeed impressive. Some of the papers on the site are well worth reading. The ACE mailing lists are mirrored on the comp.soft-sys.ace newsgroup. I got some assignment ideas from the ACE patterns. 
More later...

andrew cooke - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/25/2001; 3:12:19 AM (reads: 1509, responses: 0)
No, I'm not arguing GC should be forced on the user - I agree with the general opinion that extensions should be made to libraries, not the language - but having a universal, standard GC for C++ in a librray would make it so much nicer...

Ehud Lamm - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/25/2001; 9:22:16 AM (reads: 1446, responses: 0)
Not sure the memory mangement angle is what interests me, but I'll raise a few points. It seems to me (and I am no GC expert) that different GC schemes have different behaviours, and are useful in different contexts. (I think some of this is currently discussed on comp.lang.scheme). It may be better to have a standard GC interface/hooks, but let each user choose the right GC for his needs.
I am more intrigued by different ways of abstracting memory access. The STL does this (I gave links to Stepanov inteviews where he discusses this). Another approach, obviously, is smart points. Ada storage pools are a nice idea. More extreme, perhaps, are things like tied variables in Perl.
I am very much interested in ways that allow you to change this aspect of your programs, without changing code. Examples of use are making variables persistent, and using special kinds of memory (e.g., shared memory, or things like OS/390 data spaces).

Oleg - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/25/2001; 11:24:49 AM (reads: 1445, responses: 0)
The type system of C++ as it stands is unsound. For example,
#include <stdio.h>
struct A { int a; A(int _a): a(_a) {} };
struct B: public A { int b; B(int _a) : A(_a), b(1) {} };
void problem(A& ap, A a)
{ ap = a; }
int main(void)
B b (5);
A a (0);
//b = a;
printf("\nResult: %d %d\n", b.a, b.b);
return 0;
Assignment "b=a;" if written explicitly is rightfully forbidden. However, executing problem(b,a); has the same effect as the above assignment. The compiler issues no warning. Java has the same problem. However, executing problem(b,a); in Java will cause a run-time exception. In C++, no exception will be generated. The code will finish "normally". There are other holes in C++ type system, related, for example, to multiple inheritance.
Eiffel when first introduced has an unsound type system as well (related to covariance of methods). The unsoundness has hurt the language. C++ has managed to get away with far bigger holes. Maybe because it's a language of a C family, which tries to be as accepting as an assembler. C++ also follows the NJ school of thought on error handling: if it is too hard, leave it to the user (and to the authors of numerous "effective" books and style guides).
It will be nice if a new version of C++ had fewer holes.

Chris Rathman - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/25/2001; 6:19:39 PM (reads: 1442, responses: 0)
K5 has a story about The Balkanization Of A Popular Programming Language that adds to the list of those bagging on the C++ standard.
I do recall that not too long ago there was a movement in Europe to establish a standard for a simpler C++. Bjarne was quite vocal in his dislike of that prospect and threw his weight behind stopping it in it's track. I don't think simplification or a push towards elegance is in the cards for C++.
From a programming language development perspective, STL is definitely the best part of C++. Still, I don't think of it as so much a sophisticated application library, as much as it is a building block to produce applications.

andrew cooke - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/25/2001; 11:28:59 PM (reads: 1435, responses: 0)
Returning to GC like, well, anyway...
Not sure the memory mangement angle is what interests me
Me neither. I'd compare it to drinking water - I'm happy with whatever comes out of the tap, providing it doesn't kill me. I know that some people prefer it with little bubbles, or in ice-blue transparent plastic bottles from the supermarket, and that's fine by me, but all I want is something safe and without too bad a taste. When you find yourself in a country where you can't drink the tap water it's a drag and you wonder why, in this day and age, they can't get their act together.
Same with C++ and GC.
Of course there are niche applications where the type of GC matters, and it's no doubt fascinating to think up different ways to provide it. But the Kuroshin article that Chris pointed to today describes C++ as "one of the most popular application development languages currently in use" - that application development not device drivers, kernels, or time/space critical systems (and even then - Lisp Machines were Lisp all the way down and they seemed to work).
I'm convinced there are a lot of people out there who'd appreciate some kind of vanilla GC (free, standard, easy to use) that saved them from having to worry about leaks. If it can be provided by a library, fine. If it needs some small language extensions - why not make them?
Microsoft have done just this (of course). Using C++ on .NET you can surrender memory management to the system (at least, that's my impression from that confernece I went to; in exchange there were some things you couldn't do, which seemed fair enough). OTOH, since no-one seems to mention this maybe it's evidence that I'm wrong, and people really do like to debug memory leaks...
I suspect a lot of this is connected with the strange obsession programmers seem to have with "efficiency" (unrelated example from work last week: "(Java) inner classes are more efficient"(!?!)). But that's another rant. OK, no more on this from me! :-)

pixel - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/26/2001; 7:35:02 AM (reads: 1427, responses: 0)
# Assignment "b=a;" if written explicitly is rightfully forbidden. However, executing problem(b,a); has the same effect as the above assignment. The compiler issues no warning.
i don't see where the pb is. This is record subtyping...
Your "problem" is equivalent to:
void problem(A &ap, A a) { ap.a = a.a; }
since the default operator= just copies the struct fields.
# Java has the same problem. However, executing problem(b,a); in Java will cause
i tried reproducing with java, but i can't see how to reproduce:
public class main {
public class A { int a; };
public class B extends A { int b; };
public static void subtype_assign(A ap, A a) { ap = a; }
public static void main(String args[]) {
A a = new A(); a.a = 1;
B b = new B(); b.a = 2; b.b = 3;
subtype_assign(b, a);
System.out.println("Result: " + b.a + " " + b.b);
after "ap = a", "ap" doesn't point to the object passed as argument... i'm not
good enough in java to find out what is the java way

Oleg - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/26/2001; 12:13:48 PM (reads: 1410, responses: 0)
#Your "problem" is equivalent to:
# void problem(A &ap, A a) { ap.a = a.a; }
#since the default operator= just copies the struct fields.
It's far more dangerous that that. Let's consider a simple variation
of the previous example:
#include <stdio.h>
struct A {
int a;
A(int _a): a(_a) {}
struct B: public A {
int b;
B(int _a, int _b) : A(_a), b(_b) {}
void problem(A * ap, A a)
{ ap[1] = a; }
int main(void)
A a (12345);
B ba [] = { B(5,9) };
printf("\nBefore the 'assignment': %d %d\n", ba[0].a, ba[0].b);
printf("\nAfter the 'assignment': %d %d\n", ba[0].a, ba[0].b);
return 0;
The output:
Before the 'assignment': 5 9
After the 'assignment': 5 12345
Note that ba[0].a remained the same but ba[0].b (which is particular to class B and is not present in class A) all of the sudden changed!
Again, the compiler issued not a single warning, and the program finished "normally."
gives a similar example, which however, will end in a Segmentation fault.
shows a Java version. In Java the invalid assignment triggers a run-time exception.

pixel - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/26/2001; 1:00:04 PM (reads: 1388, responses: 0)
i still don't really like your example, since with your array access is (should be) out of bound.
if you put a second element in "ba", i prefer it :)
anyway i now get the pb, and the solution which is: use Vector!
the java case is worse of course :-(

pixel - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/26/2001; 1:17:42 PM (reads: 1388, responses: 0)
# One last example which we use in our OO/C++ training courses: "A Bag-of-Apple is not a kind-of Bag-of-Fruit." If a Bag-of-Apple could be passed as a Bag-of-Fruit, someone could put a Banana into the Bag, even though it is supposed to only contain Apples!
this is true iff the object are not const:
int subtype_get(const vector<A> &ap, int i) { return ap[i].a; }
vector<B> bs;
subtype_get(bs, 1);
should work, uh?

Oleg - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/26/2001; 5:04:40 PM (reads: 1404, responses: 0)
# One last example which we use in our OO/C++ training courses: "A Bag-of-Apple
is not a kind-of Bag-of-Fruit." If a Bag-of-Apple could be passed as a Bag-of-Fruit, someone could put a Banana into the Bag, even though it is supposed to only contain Apples!
this is true iff the object are not const:
Precisely! Mutations and polymorphism is an insidiously dangerous
combination. I heard a story that ML once treated reference cells
(which can be mutated) somewhat nonchalantly. Then somebody showed a
subversive example. It prompted research and deliberation, which
resulted in a set of constraints that restore soundness of the type
system. The constraints can be checked at compile-time.
Thus it _is_ possible to avoid setting traps for a programmer. If the
designers of a language are serious about creating a safe language,
they can indeed accomplish a great deal.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/28/2001; 4:34:58 AM (reads: 1392, responses: 0)
Regarding our previous discussion of GC. Can you support GC via libraries, while still keeping the 0-overhead rule for the language? Isn't true that to achieve this you'd have to change some language semantics (something Stroustrup doesn't seem to want)?

Ehud Lamm - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/28/2001; 4:37:41 AM (reads: 1385, responses: 0)
One more comment. Isn't funny that language designers always want to make the languages better for building libraries, and after a couple of years they come along and say "we should add stuff to the stnadard library" because no one makes significant use of the wonderful reusability features? Sure there are many C++ libraries around. And the C++ stnadard library isn't small. So how come extending it further is the top goal?

Ehud Lamm - Re: Future Directions for C++ 
4/30/2001; 11:33:46 AM (reads: 1383, responses: 0)
re adding GC (or a GC library), see this paper which disucsses this issue (among other things).
