No new items?
started 6/14/2004; 7:39:41 AM - last post 6/17/2004; 1:28:02 AM
Ehud Lamm - No new items? ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
6/14/2004; 7:39:41 AM (reads: 4138, responses: 6)
No new items? |
One reason LtU is so quiet is that the site was behaving very badly recently. I hope to have a solution soon.
Another reason is that it seems no one has published exciting new results recently... Or am I mistaken? Let me know using the discussion group.
Posted to general by Ehud Lamm on 6/14/04; 7:40:33 AM
Neel Krishnaswami - Re: No new items? ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
6/14/2004; 1:46:11 PM (reads: 179, responses: 3)
Ehud Lamm - Re: No new items? ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
6/14/2004; 1:51:32 PM (reads: 174, responses: 0)
Sounds cool.
Daniel Yokomizo - Re: No new items? ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
6/14/2004; 2:04:15 PM (reads: 173, responses: 0)
doing debugging in a declarative way
Any idea on how it compares to Buddha?
Josh Dybnis - Re: No new items? ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
6/14/2004; 2:30:39 PM (reads: 168, responses: 0)
Just saw Robert O'Callahan give a very interesting talk on doing debugging in a declarative way, by writing SQL-like queries that are interpreted over traces of program runs. It was very, very neat.
I think this is hugely useful. I've wanted to do something like it for a while (in my copious free time). I'm suprised they made up their own SQL-like query language and didn't use XPath and XQuery. I haven't read the paper yet, but a program's call tree is...well, a tree. This is one place where XML actually seems like a good fit.
Cremieux Alain - Re: No new items? ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
6/15/2004; 2:14:39 AM (reads: 114, responses: 0)
I found these exciting papers recently :
1) Richard Bird and Ralf Hinze. Functional pearl: Trouble shared is trouble halved. In Johan Jeuring, editor, Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2003 Haskell Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden, August 28, 2003, pp 1-6. (78K PDF)
2) Ralf Hinze. An algebra of scans. In Dexter Kozen, editor, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC 2004), Stirling, Scotland, UK, July 12-14, 2004. (
3)Strongly typed heterogeneous collections (
Joint work with Oleg Kiselyov and Keean Schupke
Submitted to Haskell Workshop 2004
Available online since 7 June 200
Happy readings,
Darius Bacon - Re: No new items? ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
6/17/2004; 1:28:02 AM (reads: 29, responses: 0)
I think this is hugely useful. I've wanted to do something like it for a while (in my copious free time). I'm suprised they made up their own SQL-like query language and didn't use XPath and XQuery. I haven't read the paper yet, but a program's call tree is...well, a tree. This is one place where XML actually seems like a good fit.
I also had that idea of tree pattern-matching over execution traces, back when I worked at a Java IDE vendor -- tree pattern-matching could be useful in different ways all through your environment, applied to source ASTs and runtime data structures as well. Here's a paper on the latter idea:
The O'Callahan paper has several examples that don't fit the tree paradigm. OTOH tree automata are a standard idea that could've been applied without the new optimizations they needed.
(Um, XPath and XQuery are about tree matching, right? I've never really looked at them -- they didn't exist back when I thought about this stuff.)