FACT - Multiparadigm Programming with C++
started 5/7/2001; 12:57:49 PM - last post 5/8/2001; 1:30:10 PM
andrew cooke - FACT - Multiparadigm Programming with C++ ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
5/7/2001; 12:57:49 PM (reads: 628, responses: 3)
andrew cooke - Re: FACT - Multiparadigm Programming with C++ ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
5/7/2001; 1:02:18 PM (reads: 663, responses: 0)
Uses PETE, which is interesting if you've heard of Blitz++.
David Thompson - Re: FACT - Multiparadigm Programming with C++ ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
5/8/2001; 1:29:33 PM (reads: 650, responses: 0)
Does not work with Visual C++ 6 or 7 (the mose widespread C++ compiler on windows) yet claims to be "portable". So this is essentially useless for practical programmers in the real world. Bummer.
(BTW yes I know this is really MS fault, there template support is still well behind the curve - but not caring about Visual C++ is a desperatly limited viewpoint for a library writer). Damn! If I want impractical but cool there's scheme, Haskell, CAML, Squeak - you name it.
David Thompson - Re: FACT - Multiparadigm Programming with C++ ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
5/8/2001; 1:30:10 PM (reads: 664, responses: 0)
Does not work with Visual C++ 6 or 7 (the mose widespread C++ compiler on windows) yet claims to be "portable". So this is essentially useless for practical programmers in the real world. Bummer.
(BTW yes I know this is really MS fault, there template support is still well behind the curve - but not caring about Visual C++ is a desperatly limited viewpoint for a library writer). Damn! If I want impractical but cool there's scheme, Haskell, CAML, Squeak - you name it.