Google stops indexing these servers
started 5/8/2001; 2:43:35 PM - last post 5/9/2001; 5:04:24 AM
Ehud Lamm - Google stops indexing these servers 
5/8/2001; 2:43:35 PM (reads: 1454, responses: 5)
Google stops indexing these servers |
It seems that the Google index doesn't contain references to the free Userland hosted sites anymore. I am not sure when this started or why this is so, but it is clear from the referers log that there is quite a reduction in traffic to this site.
It is a shame, since it was easier to find things via Goolge than via the search service provided by Userland, which is invoked when you use the serach box on the left.
Posted to admin by Ehud Lamm on 5/8/01; 2:45:37 PM

Chris Rathman - Re: Google stops indexing these servers 
5/8/2001; 6:58:18 PM (reads: 1060, responses: 2)
If I was a conspiracy buff, I'd probably say that this is related to Google's recently getting the UseNet archives back online. I'd look for them to start perceiving any other weblog or user group venue as competition to their UseNet groups. I'd assume that they will be trying to refine their front end interface to the newsgroups and start promoting them over any alternatives, thus generating more hits for google per se....
Oh well, just a thought... :-)

andrew cooke - Re: Google stops indexing these servers 
5/8/2001; 11:58:29 PM (reads: 1130, responses: 1)
There was a comment on techinterview (or whatever it's called) suggesting that last time Google would have tried to index weblogs, it was down. That sounds reasonable, except that Google does seem to continue listing dead pages for a while (then again, I wouldn't be surprised if it has had problems twice in a row, given the variations in availability I experience).
Also, there was something wrong with the 100 top sites - we were missing yesterday - but it seems to be fixed now (and according to that we are still getting many hits) (hello all you silent people out there! ;-)
I doubt Google has blocked us maliciously (or that Chris is serious) - imagine the uproar on /. if they dropped free blogs...

andrew cooke - Re: Google stops indexing these servers 
5/9/2001; 12:32:02 AM (reads: 1213, responses: 0)
OK, the real story is here and here.
Userland is blocking Google.

Chris Rathman - Re: Google stops indexing these servers 
5/9/2001; 2:28:10 AM (reads: 1071, responses: 0)
ok, that makes a little more sense than more wild speculation. :-)
I have noticed that LtU has been very unresponsive at times. I don't know if the issues are linked, though.

Fredrik Lundh - Re: Google stops indexing these servers 
5/9/2001; 5:04:24 AM (reads: 1054, responses: 0)
part of the problem is that Manila/Frontier doesn't implement
any load-saving HTTP features: it ignores things like HEAD and
If-Modified (etc), and always regenerates the entire page from
scratch even if the client says it doesn't really want it...
