SICP lectures online
started 5/28/2001; 1:09:21 PM - last post 5/30/2001; 4:58:56 AM
Ehud Lamm - SICP lectures online 
5/28/2001; 1:09:21 PM (reads: 1650, responses: 2)
David Thompson - Re: SICP lectures online 
5/29/2001; 7:38:36 AM (reads: 893, responses: 1)
Does anyone know where these are mirrored? I cannot download them from ArsDigita - I have tried many, many times and can only get a painfully slow 5 kb/s (on 500 kb/s DSL line) after about 10 hrs the server terminates the connection (what fun).

Ehud Lamm - Re: SICP lectures online 
5/30/2001; 4:58:56 AM (reads: 950, responses: 0)
Did you try the streaming versions? They worked for me.
