Sun admits ASP better than Java for Web
started 6/1/2001; 2:18:40 AM - last post 6/4/2001; 12:30:06 PM
Ehud Lamm - Sun admits ASP better than Java for Web 
6/1/2001; 2:18:40 AM (reads: 1374, responses: 1)
Chris - Re: Sun admits ASP better than Java for Web 
6/4/2001; 12:30:06 PM (reads: 883, responses: 0)
The description of this article is misleading. If you read the article, it clearly says: "[Sun's Cobalt RaQ 4 server appliance] also supports CGI, which is also said to be less effective and slower for said "simple" Web apps than ASP." I think few people would argue that CGI is faster than ASP. Not even Sun.
