Language Independent Arithmetic (LIA-2)
started 7/4/2001; 5:03:49 PM - last post 7/4/2001; 9:28:40 PM
pixel - Language Independent Arithmetic (LIA-2) ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
7/4/2001; 5:03:49 PM (reads: 1752, responses: 1)
Chris Rathman - Re: Language Independent Arithmetic (LIA-2) ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
7/4/2001; 9:28:40 PM (reads: 648, responses: 0)
It has been a while since I've looked at FPU's, but I'm wondering what effect the target hardware has on the language behavior? Whenever your dealing with heavy math, sometimes it's best just to use whatever arithmetic is provided by the floating point processor.