started 7/21/2001; 8:06:40 AM - last post 7/22/2001; 8:06:42 AM
Ehud Lamm - Miscellany 
7/21/2001; 8:06:40 AM (reads: 887, responses: 5)
nickmain - Re: Miscellany 
7/21/2001; 1:49:33 PM (reads: 958, responses: 1)
MS dropping preloaded JVM..
Does this spell the end of Applets ? If so, what options are left for dynamic web content ?
There's the Ximian "Mono" project to produce an open source version of the dotNet CLR. If that is successful maybe the dotNet IL will become the new bytecode for the internet.
Then there's Flash - the VM built into Flash 5 is unfairly overlooked, IMO. I know some people are predicting that the Flash 6 Player will be the most widely deployed VM out on the web by the end of 2002.
All this ties into JavaScript (Flash ActionScript is a subset of this - although it's compiled to a custom bytecode format in published movies). JavaScript is/will be available on dotNet and it's currently available on top of the JVM (Mozilla Rhino) and in various native codebases (again - open source from Mozilla). Not to mention JS within HTML..
As a "hardcore" Java/C++ I'm sad to say that I'm seriously thinking about using JS as my main language for many more things.
Does anyone else have any thoughts on the future of cross platform languages/engines for the web ?

Ehud Lamm - Re: Miscellany 
7/21/2001; 2:56:26 PM (reads: 1032, responses: 0)
Far as I can tell, there shouldn't be any problem downloading and installing a JVM plugin, as one should do anyway if one wants to be compatible with current standard Java.

nickmain - Re: Miscellany 
7/21/2001; 5:11:33 PM (reads: 922, responses: 0)
The reality is that 90% of people will balk at a 5+ meg download (Sun's JRE or the JDK 1.1 MS JVM) just in order to view an applet (which will most often just be a banner ad anyway) and hit the cancel button. I think there have been studies that show that most people do not alter, or add to, the installation configuration of their PC's.
So, as Win-XP gains market share, content providers and advertisers will phase out Applets since they will no longer be able to assume that a large enough audience is capable of viewing them.

Jo Totland - Re: Miscellany 
7/22/2001; 6:38:51 AM (reads: 910, responses: 0)
Well, vault may not be very revolutionary, but it sure seems to get many things right. Is this what Ada is all about? The emphasis on reliability, a parametric module system, pattern matching, region-based memory management and a convenient C-like syntax seems pretty good to me. Didn't see anything about run-time polymorphism, though...

Ehud Lamm - Re: Miscellany 
7/22/2001; 8:06:42 AM (reads: 898, responses: 0)
Ada is much more readable than C, and I think readability is quite important for reliability...
Of the things you mention, reliability, a parametric module system, region-based memory management are standard in Ada. Ada does support run-time polymorphism (i.e., OOP). Alas, many in the mission critical/reliable systems crowd are afraid of run time dispatching, since it makes behaviour analysis harder.
Speaking of Ada and reliability, I just saw a nice newsgroup posting on this very subject.
