Lambda the Ultimate

inactiveTopic Wired Rave Awards
started 8/3/2001; 5:38:21 AM - last post 8/28/2001; 2:47:53 AM
Ehud Lamm - Wired Rave Awards  blueArrow
8/3/2001; 5:38:21 AM (reads: 397, responses: 2)
Wired Rave Awards
Most of the categories are not really related to our special focus (which goes to show you how clueless this whole thing is ), but I think that some LtU readers may want to suggest nominees in some categories. Who changes the world more than language desginers, anyway?

It seems that you can't link directly to deep pages on this site, so the links above won't help you much - and you'll have to traverse the site yourself. Any conclusion about the comptence of this crowd to choose innovators, is left as an exericse to the reader.

Posted to general by Ehud Lamm on 8/3/01; 5:49:59 AM

Ehud Lamm - Re: Wired Rave Awards  blueArrow
8/11/2001; 12:18:50 AM (reads: 444, responses: 0)
Voting has started.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Wired Rave Awards  blueArrow
8/28/2001; 2:47:53 AM (reads: 417, responses: 0)
More on Flash based sites.