Language observations weblog
started 8/17/2001; 6:17:46 PM - last post 8/19/2001; 4:13:06 AM
Chris Rathman - Language observations weblog 
8/17/2001; 6:17:46 PM (reads: 1766, responses: 3)
Language observations weblog |
Thought I'd pass along the link to this weblog set up by Todd Blanchard. Mostly just a place for Todd to give his personal perspective on language design issues (rants?). Given his background in Smalltalk and Objective-C, it is definitely slanted to the dynamic typing programming languages (as opposed to the static ones).
As for myself, I'm buried in two jobs that involve T-SQL at the moment, and I can't sympathize with either side of that debate - with my current constraint of mostly SQL, either language paradigm would be a step up. :-)
Posted to OOP by Chris Rathman on 8/17/01; 6:24:25 PM

Ehud Lamm - Re: Language observations weblog 
8/18/2001; 12:12:45 AM (reads: 686, responses: 0)
He should have joind us
But hey, the more the merrier.

Chris Rathman - Re: Language observations weblog 
8/18/2001; 4:42:17 PM (reads: 688, responses: 0)
I gather that the writings are not geared towards building a community of any sorts, so it's not similar in purpose to LtU. The weblog format seems about as good as a diary type format as it is at threaded forum discussions.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Language observations weblog 
8/19/2001; 4:13:06 AM (reads: 691, responses: 0)
Of course. You can have a community weblogs OR a community of weblogs..
