Lambda Prolog
started 10/22/2001; 9:38:47 AM - last post 10/23/2001; 2:04:23 PM
Ehud Lamm - Lambda Prolog 
10/22/2001; 9:38:47 AM (reads: 1551, responses: 3)
Lambda Prolog |
What features does lambda Prolog have?
- polymorphic typing
- sound unification
- implicational and universal quantified queries
- modular programming
- abstract data types
- higher-order programming
- simply-typed lambda-terms
- unification of lambda-terms
You may find this tutorial helpful, though you may prefer to look at some souce code.
Much more detailed information can be found in a draft book about lProlog (the inroduction in chpater one is particularly helpful).
Thanks to Oleg for pointing these out.
Posted to Logic/Declerative by Ehud Lamm on 10/22/01; 9:39:34 AM

Noel Welsh - Re: Lambda Prolog 
10/23/2001; 2:08:27 AM (reads: 807, responses: 0)
How does lambda-Prolog compare to Mercury? Are they both addressing the same problem or is the 'paradigm' (for want of a better word) of lambda-Prolog different from that of Mercury?

pixel - Re: Lambda Prolog 
10/23/2001; 4:21:53 AM (reads: 814, responses: 1)
I wouldn't say Mercury and lambda-prolog have the same goals.
Mercury tries to fill the gap between MLs and prologs, having functional
syntax, and lower the need of red cuts (if-then-else). It also tries to
achieve efficiency. lambda-prolog gives new programming power: the ability to
manipulate functional expressions (apply them, deconstruct them).

Ehud Lamm - Re: Lambda Prolog 
10/23/2001; 2:04:23 PM (reads: 874, responses: 0)
I must confess that these differences made Mercury seem so natural, and lambda-prolog so exotic...
If anyone has more experiences with this language, I'd love to hear them, since exotic sometimes means exciting...
