Self - The Power of Simplicity (Prototype Oriented versus Object Oriented)
started 11/10/2001; 6:27:55 AM - last post 11/14/2001; 1:51:30 AM
Shae Erisson - Self - The Power of Simplicity (Prototype Oriented versus Object Oriented) ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/10/2001; 6:27:55 AM (reads: 325, responses: 5)
Self the language and implementation grew old and died before I knew it existed, but since then I've often wished I owned a SPARC to run it on.
Some technologies used in the Java HotSpot Virtual Machine were started originally with the SelfVM. In its heyday, Self had the fastest Smalltalk available, even though it was an emulated Smalltalk.
If you like "prototype oriented" more than "object oriented" or if you just want to know what it is, check out the Self homepage:
Ehud Lamm - Re: Self - The Power of Simplicity (Prototype Oriented versus Object Oriented) ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/10/2001; 11:29:33 AM (reads: 332, responses: 0)
Chris Rathman - Re: Self - The Power of Simplicity (Prototype Oriented versus Object Oriented) ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/10/2001; 1:01:03 PM (reads: 328, responses: 1)
I see they've ported it across to OS-X. Wish there were a Linux or Windows implementation - I've seen a couple but never got them up and running successfully (granted I didn't spend much time trying).
BTW, we're probably guaranteed to have repetition on topics - just the nature of programming languages. :-)
Ehud Lamm - Re: Self - The Power of Simplicity (Prototype Oriented versus Object Oriented) ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/10/2001; 2:04:39 PM (reads: 371, responses: 0)
Hopefuly there are going to be some new research and new ideas...
John Lawter - Re: Self - The Power of Simplicity (Prototype Oriented versus Object Oriented) ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/13/2001; 7:32:34 AM (reads: 335, responses: 0)
A coworker of mine is running the OS X version of Self. He tells me that it is still buggy, and sockets don't work. But, at least work is being done, even if it isn't an official Sun project.
Noel Welsh - Re: Self - The Power of Simplicity (Prototype Oriented versu ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/14/2001; 1:51:30 AM (reads: 322, responses: 0)
The Self website mentions their innovative interface, but there are few papers about said UI. Does anyone have any experiences with the Self UI they'd like to share? I'm interested in hearing how it works and how well it works.