Readership skills and graphical programming
started 11/11/2001; 1:50:15 PM - last post 11/12/2001; 7:37:03 PM
Ehud Lamm - Readership skills and graphical programming ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/11/2001; 1:50:15 PM (reads: 737, responses: 5)
Readership skills and graphical programming |
Marian Petre
Why looking isn't always seeing: readership skills and graphical programming Communications of the ACM, Volume 38, Issue 6 (June 1995), Pages: 33 - 44.
Many believe that visual programming techniques are quite close to
developers. This article reports on some fascinating research focusing
on understanding how textual and visual representations for software
differ in effectiveness. Among other things, it is determined that the
differences lie not so much in the textual-visual distinction as in
the degree to which specific representations support the conventions
experts expect.
This paper is related to our recent discussion on visual languages.
The paper is not online (outside the ACM DL), but Oleg kindly provided a summary.
Posted to general by Ehud Lamm on 11/11/01; 1:56:40 PM
Ehud Lamm - Re: Readership skills and graphical programming ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/11/2001; 1:54:22 PM (reads: 763, responses: 0)
The topic of the article is graphical notation, especially programming
notation. The article reports several _experimental_ studies of
reading comprehension of visual vs. textual programs and
schematics. The article has many illustrative examples from the
The main result: overall, graphics was _significantly_ slower than
text, both for novice and experts. Novices were especially confused by
visual notation: they don't know where to start looking and how to
continue looking.
Perhaps the principal characteristic of visual notation is that it
permits more of a _secondary notation_: "the use of layout and
perceptual cues (elements such as adjacency, clustering, white space,
labeling, and so on) to clarify information (such as structure,
function, or relationships) or to give hints to the reader."
Unlike primary notation, the secondary notation is not formalized: you
cannot apply it "mechanically". It takes time to learn and to
recognize. You can always read text serially. Reading a diagram on
the other hand requires an inspection strategy. Reading a diagram
requires an ability to recognize abstractions, to understand that
shape and placement cue the underlying structure, to distinguish
important pictorial elements from inessential. The secondary notation,
these _informally_ defined cues, let the expert see what others can't.
"It is worth noting that expertise cannot compensate for
everything. Graphics was uniformly slower than text; it is apparent
that even the expert reader of graphical notations is doing a hard
job. ... One of the distinctions between expert and novice behavior
was that the experts made better use of their fingers, occasionally
using all ten to mark points along a circuit."
"When comparable graphical and textual representations were presented
side-by-side, experienced readers nearly always used the text to guide
their reading of the graphics."
Because the secondary notation is not formal, it cannot be understood
and applied mechanically. Although it's possible to enumerate "design
layout rules," they are often in conflict. It takes a skillful
designer to use heuristics and his understanding of the task in order
to use, or not to use, a rule. This "feeling for" the rules, an
ability to apply or break them is what makes an expert expert.
It's often said that graphical notation makes it easy to "grasp" the
overall picture. "Yet in the reading comprehension experiments,
programmers did not recognize structural similarities among the
graphical representations and often found it difficult to compare two
graphical programs. In contrast, those programmers who did notice
structural similarities among the programs presented were all looking
at the textual representations."
The only positive aspect of visual notation for the beginners is that
it _seems_ easier, and it is certainly more fun to play with. But for
experts this playing around and finding the most expressive layout
with the most secondary cues is an added effort. "'I quite often spend
an hour or two just moving boxes and wires around, with no change in
functionality, to make it that much more comprehensible when I come
back to it.'"
It's paramount to realize that visual notation is just as abstract as
the textual one. Both use symbols (and their shape, placement, color,
font, etc.) to express or hint at abstract concepts. Visual notation
has often bigger alphabet and the bigger set of hints. A symbol for an
'OR' gate is not a metaphor for a chip; The 'OR' diagram is just as
abstract as the word 'OR' in the textual description of the
corresponding Boolean function. A circuit diagram is most certainly
_not_ a drawing of a circuit board.
In conclusion, people indeed see largely what they've learned to look
for. Graphical notation _is_ richer -- it gives more information
(cues) to the expert. The secondary notation is also easy to misuse
and thus confuse the expert readers. The richness of graphical
notation has more capacity to 'go wrong'. In any case, the secondary
notation is far from being obvious, requires considerable skill to use
and to _read_. Novices are precisely the wrong group to benefit from
the visual notation as they lack the readership skills (as well as the
domain knowledge needed to build abstractions). Novices will benefit
from a more structural, constrained, linearized _textual_ notation.
-- Oleg
Ehud Lamm - Re: Readership skills and graphical programming ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/12/2001; 2:13:28 AM (reads: 730, responses: 0)
Hear hear!
My views exactly.
Frank Atanassow - Re: Readership skills and graphical programming ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/12/2001; 1:13:08 PM (reads: 688, responses: 0)
(I only read the summary.)
It may well be that extant visual programming languages are more difficult to use than textual ones; that has certainly been my experience.
But I still think that graphical languages have the potential to replace textual ones. The summary makes the point that the graphical cues are difficult to interpret because they don't constitute a formal language: this is precisely the problem.
In fact, there are "graphical" languages which are formal, e.g., proof nets in linear logic, Hasse diagrams for posets, commutative diagrams in category theory, term graphs. Each of them makes good use of additional dimensions in a way which textual languages can't. I don't think their notations scale to the sorts of large projects which programmers must deal with, but the spark of a graphical language is there.
An example I always think of in this context is term graphs, which are almost directed trees representing the subexpression relation, but you have a back arrow going from a variable to its binder. They demonstrate how we are forced to replace what is intuitively a one-step process (just follow the arrow) to a complex multiple-step process (read the variable name, then ascend the subexpression tree until you find the variable name in a binding position) because of the inexpressiveness of textual notation.
The problem with the formal graphical notations I mentioned above is that they are all still discrete, and the mapping we use to a computer display (regarded as a continuous 2D quarter plane) is too sparse, so you get a very inefficient use of precious screen real estate. What is needed is a notation which emphasizes the important parts of a program, and whose image looks mostly continuous. Perhaps the domain models of languages are good place to look for this, but I think that we tend to regard the termination properties of programs as less structurally important than their partial correctness, so I think this would be emphasizing the wrong thing.
Frank Atanassow - Re: Readership skills and graphical programming ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/12/2001; 1:17:55 PM (reads: 671, responses: 0)
Oh, BTW, who's Oleg? :)
Oleg - Re: Readership skills and graphical programming ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
11/12/2001; 7:37:03 PM (reads: 666, responses: 0)
In fact, there are "graphical" languages which are formal, e.g., proof nets in linear logic, Hasse diagrams for posets, commutative diagrams in category theory, term graphs...
It seems you're speaking about a primary notation -- which is indeed
formal. Which arrows go to which vertices is a primary notation. Let's
take an example of a diagram with three objects, A, B and C and two
arrows A->B and A->C. We can draw the diagram as follows:
A --> C A
| / \
V / \
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
(There supposed to be arrows from A to B and from A to C on
Fig. 2). We can connect vertices with straight lines, bent lines or
squiggly lines. The set of vertices and the set of arrows -- the
primary notation -- is the same in all these cases. The layout, the
secondary notation, is different. We usually would draw a symmetrical
diagram, like the one on Fig. 2, to indicate that arrows A->B and A->C
are semantically "equal". To make the example more concrete, let's
assume that A, B and C stand for the names of C++ classes, with arrows
indicating dependencies. That is, if class A is modified, both B and C
have to be inspected for potential conflicts, and the corresponding
code must be re-compiled. If both B and C inherit from A, we would
likely to depict the dependency relationship as in Fig. 2. If,
however, class B inherit from A but class C includes an object of
class A, we would likely to draw the dependency graph as in Fig. 1. In
both cases the dependency information -- the primary, the formal
semantics -- remain the same. They layout, if done intelligently,
gives us additional hints.
The secondary notation is present even in textual
languages. For example, the following two snippets are equivalent
while( (c=getc()) != EOF && isspace(c) );
while( (c=getc()) != EOF && isspace(c) )
yet the latter is more comprehensible. To a human reader, not to the
compiler. A compiler won't mind if we name all identifiers as i1, i2,
i3, ... Well-chosen names however give a human reader a deeper insight
into a piece of code. It takes some practice in a programming language
to typeset it lucidly. BTW, people often post source code snippets on
comp.lang.scheme and similar groups. You can almost instantly spot
code posted by a novice -- by the layout of the code. Of course the
are "rules" of layout, which are mostly the rules of thumb. Sometimes
it's necessary to break them for one reason or another. It takes
practice to grasp these reasons. In visual languages, the layout is
far reacher, and is far more difficult to formalize. It takes longer
to learn and to master.