Out of reach
started 12/5/2001; 5:58:33 AM - last post 12/8/2001; 3:12:35 AM
Ehud Lamm - Out of reach 
12/5/2001; 5:58:33 AM (reads: 1089, responses: 3)
Out of reach |
The power supply of my home computer is dead, so my internet activities will be quite limited in the next few days.
This is the time to show you care, and post...
If you sent me email, wait a couple of days. I hope I'll be able to get it once I fix the computer.
Posted to admin by Ehud Lamm on 12/5/01; 6:22:31 AM

Luke Gorrie - Re: Out of reach 
12/5/2001; 11:36:56 PM (reads: 680, responses: 0)
Out of curiosity, how does one post?

Ehud Lamm - Re: Out of reach 
12/6/2001; 12:04:20 AM (reads: 690, responses: 0)
Anyone can become a member and post messages to the discussion group. In order to be able to post to the home apge, you have to contact me and be added to the list of contributors. After this is done, each time you login to the site you'll see the editors menu at the top of the screen. Choosing 'News' allos you to post new news items (directly from your browser).

Ehud Lamm - Re: Out of reach 
12/8/2001; 3:12:35 AM (reads: 645, responses: 0)
It turns out that my hard disk is dead. So it will take a bit more time until things are back to normal. But email is working again.
