Andrew W. Appel. Foundational Proof-Carrying Code, 16th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS '01), June 2001.
Proof-carrying code is a framework for the mechanical
verification of safety properties of machine language
programs, but the problem arises of quis custodiat ipsos
custodes -- who will verify the verifier itself? Foundational
proof-carrying code is verification from the smallest
possible set of axioms, using the simplest possible verifier
and the smallest possible runtime system. I will describe
many of the mathematical and engineering problems
to be solved in the construction of a foundational
proof-carrying code system.
Very interesting survey paper. As an added bonus you can see examples of using Twelf (the metalogic framework), and an interesting approach to typing (section 5.2).
Warning: This paper is pretty dense.
Posted to theory by Ehud Lamm on 12/6/01; 3:57:04 AM