The CityScript Little Language
started 12/18/2001; 4:51:12 AM - last post 12/20/2001; 10:45:12 AM
Dan Shappir - The CityScript Little Language ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/18/2001; 4:51:12 AM (reads: 973, responses: 12)
Ehud Lamm - Re: The CityScript Little Language ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/18/2001; 5:09:47 AM (reads: 995, responses: 0)
Thanks. I really am interested in stuff like this.
One of the things that seem basic in this day and age is to expose domain specific objects to the script programmer. So the same scripting language can be used with various host environments, each supplying its own native objects.
I don't know a thing about VBA internals, but I am nto sure I understand why you need to say [A1] instead of A1. In Rexx, for example, if a string is not understood by the language it is passed to the host environment.
I once wrote a host env for Rexx, and it was quite simple to override the variable lookup mechanism (IIRC).
All this, of course, leads to the more interesting question of control structures. A good DSL should provide taylored control structures, reducing the effort needed to use more general control structures. Yes, if the original host language is powerful enough, this is just syntactic sugar.
Dan Shappir - Re: The CityScript Little Language ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/18/2001; 6:46:50 AM (reads: 995, responses: 1)
I don't know how much of this stuff was in from the get go (the time when Joel worked at MS) but current Windows script integration is based on a set of COM interfaces, such IActiveScript, IActiveScriptParse and IActiveScriptSite (note that by current I mean prior to .NET). These interfaces define the interactions between the script and the application that hosts the script. These interfaces are intended to be language neutral. Using these interfaces you can easily add objects to the script's namespace (e.g. Evaluate from Joel’s example), but AFAIK they don't provide a means to take over the script engine's variable lookup. This may be the result of lack of foresight but it may also have to do with the difficulty in writing a lookup mechanism that's language agnostic. Or it may be that VBA's developers didn't want to burden the application programmers with having to write lookup code at all. There is one benefit I can think of for [A1] over A1: it makes it clear that this isn't just a regular script variable.
BTW, more troubling to me is the second part of this item, the default property. If an object x has a default property p, assigning to x actually means assigning to p. This forced VB's developers to add the abominable Set statement:
x = y ' Sets x's default property
Set x = z ' Sets x
To me, this is the epitome of bad language design. Fortunately Set seems to be gone from VB.NET.
Funny that Joel should think that For Each is such a unique idea. But giving credit where it's due, VB's with block is the best implementation I've seen of this (generally lousy) bit of syntactic sugar.
Ehud Lamm - Re: The CityScript Little Language ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/18/2001; 7:48:44 AM (reads: 1046, responses: 0)
Seems to me it all depends on the overal language design.
Dan, maybe you'll be able to help me with my Windows scripting question?
Dan Shappir - Re: The CityScript Little Language ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/19/2001; 2:27:24 AM (reads: 988, responses: 1)
Ehud Lamm - Re: The CityScript Little Language ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/19/2001; 2:42:33 AM (reads: 1015, responses: 0)
It seems you gave three links to the same article though. It is a good introduction, but one link owuld have been enough...
What I was loking for was a simple howto document, telling you how connect your own language into the scripting architecture. Specifc insturctions for people who know how to use a C++ compiler, but that's about it.
If you can write something of this sort, I'd be very happy to read it. I think this can be a valuable resource, since it would make embedding simple languages into the scripting env easy, and thus accessible for beginners and students.
Dan Shappir - Re: The CityScript Little Language ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/19/2001; 4:37:10 AM (reads: 998, responses: 1)
Ehud Lamm - Re: The CityScript Little Language ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/19/2001; 8:32:50 AM (reads: 1014, responses: 0)
The script control looks interesting, but if I understand correctly it doesn't deal with creating you own scripting languages, but rather with connecting a scripting language to an application. I am interested in the former: you create a language, and then any application can access it.
Still, the script control looks so easy to use, it is worth a more detailed look.
I gather from your comment that what you want is a "cook book" approach rather the some high-level overview.
Well, I was thinking of a pragraph of high level intro, talking about the architecture but leaving the COM interface details, followed by cookbook or example based tutorial. The end result should be something you can execute: a mini language that how one command, or some such.
Ehud Lamm - Re: The CityScript Little Language ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/19/2001; 8:52:39 AM (reads: 957, responses: 0)
AFAIK they don't provide a means to take over the script engine's variable lookup. This may be the result of lack of foresight but it may also have to do with the difficulty in writing a lookup mechanism that's language agnostic.
I've been reading the (very good) references you gave me. But now I wonder. GetNamedItem/GetItemInfo are used to expose the client namespace, right?
It just seems that this only works when the variable appears in to context of message disptach: bob.Set(5).
So this adds insult to injury: you must use the object-model approach (this I knew, and I can live with) AND all client varaible access must be done following this approach.
But now, I am wondering. If we are writing our own scripting language, we decide what constitutes a disptaching call.
So if I am correct, the problem is as I first understood it. The [A1] hack was to overcome the syntax of VBA, so that the engine (VBA) would know it has to use the IDispatch thingy. It is not that the Windows Scripting architecture doesn't supply access to the client namespace.
To be more specific: You could implement an engine that would try to look up every variable name not found in its symbol table in the client namespace.
Dan Shappir - Re: The CityScript Little Language ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/20/2001; 2:40:05 AM (reads: 984, responses: 1)
With regard to writing a script engine you may find this link interesting:
As to the lookup issue, yes you are correct. The IDispatch interface, which is at the root of COM Automation (the technology that enables scripting on Windows) is basically a lookup service. IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames is used to obtain the id for a named identifier, and IDispatch::Invoke is used to access it.
My initial response about lookups had to do with replacing the whole variable lookup scheme for a language, which has to deal with issues such as scoping, and which is therefore more complex. But, after some thought, it has occured to me that your initial idea about simply having the hosting application resolve unknown identifiers is actually quit doable with the MS script interfaces. While the lookup is indeed object-based, you can setup an object to be the global default. That is, any indetifier that isn't otherwise resolved, is sent to it. An example of this is the 'window' object for script hosted in a browser.
Another BTW, most COM programmers that use IDispatch do not implement the lookup code themselves. Instead they rely on the lookup services provided by COM's (minimal) reflection API. Only objects that are generated dynamically (such as script objects :) require custom implementations of this interface (or even the somewhat obscure and mostly undocumented IDispatchEx.)
Ehud Lamm - Re: The CityScript Little Language ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/20/2001; 5:24:51 AM (reads: 1012, responses: 0)
This link is close to what I wanted (I think). But are thse COM interfaces ugly or what?!
Dan Shappir - Re: The CityScript Little Language ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
12/20/2001; 6:54:54 AM (reads: 1006, responses: 1)
That's why we have .NET ;)
But seriously (?) every non-trivial interface is ugly by definition. What I mean is that these interfaces are required to support myriad script engines and hosts. It is therefore to be expected that they would be complex, and thus ugly. What I find a bit disconcerting is that every host (all but one from Microsoft) initializes the host differently (the script engine state). At the very least this implies ambiguity in the contract between hosts and engines, as expressed by the interfaces.
Also, while I understand the need for a Close() method, I don't like it. It's something that can be easily overlooked (from experience), and if you do, some script engines crash, and some don't.
BTW, if by ugly you are also referring to IDispatch, I tend to agree. But I'd refer to it as "totally uncalled for" rather than ugly.