Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
started 1/3/2002; 6:01:12 AM - last post 1/4/2002; 1:28:36 PM
Ehud Lamm - Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow 
1/3/2002; 6:01:12 AM (reads: 1161, responses: 3)
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow |
As you may have noticed from the lack of updates, I am extremely busy at the moment. Feel free to share interesting stuff you have, by posting to the home page (if you are a contributor) or by using the discussion group.
Posted to admin by Ehud Lamm on 1/3/02; 6:01:21 AM

Frank Atanassow - Re: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow 
1/4/2002; 12:15:40 PM (reads: 765, responses: 0)
Frank Atanassow - Re: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow 
1/4/2002; 12:30:46 PM (reads: 737, responses: 0)
Anton may find this interesting: The Mathematical Brain:
Two Authors Say We Have Innate Ability With Numbers
Butterworth and Dehaene argue that one of the primary reasons (sometimes they implausibly appear to be saying the only reason) for disparities in mathematical achievement is environmental — better instruction, more exposure to mathematical tools, motivation for hard work.

Frank Atanassow - Re: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow 
1/4/2002; 1:28:36 PM (reads: 737, responses: 0)