Examples of 119 programming languages
started 1/3/2002; 11:43:45 AM - last post 1/6/2002; 9:13:36 AM
Adewale Oshineye - Examples of 119 programming languages 
1/3/2002; 11:43:45 AM (reads: 516, responses: 3)
This site has several hundred examples of code in various languages.
It doesn't seem to have any explanation as to why it's been created but I thought it was an interesting page nevertheless.
There are some very obscure languages here such as Aleph.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Examples of 119 programming languages 
1/3/2002; 12:20:19 PM (reads: 579, responses: 0)
You failed to give the link!
Notice that there are thousands of site with programming language information. We try to give links to things we find worthwhile. You may want to tell others why you found a site interesting/

Adewale Oshineye - Re: Examples of 119 programming languages 
1/4/2002; 3:13:57 AM (reads: 581, responses: 0)
Here's the link: http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uu9r/lang/html/lang.en.html
What I found interesting is that the author has implemented the same code in a lot of languages. I'm generally curious about what kinds of languages are out there and a resource like this tends to be a useful way to see a lot of languages.
The Dictionary of Programming Languages [http://users.erols.com/ziring/dopl.html] has a similar approach but they provide significantly more information about the languages they cover.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Examples of 119 programming languages 
1/6/2002; 9:13:36 AM (reads: 557, responses: 0)
One should note that resource of this kind tend to include programs for variable quality. As long as you are just want to see how the code looks like, it's ok. But you should be careful drawing conclusions about the languages.
