Quick spelling checker using MS-Word
started 1/21/2002; 6:35:52 AM - last post 1/23/2002; 2:31:13 AM
Ehud Lamm - Quick spelling checker using MS-Word ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
1/21/2002; 6:35:52 AM (reads: 688, responses: 3)
Quick spelling checker using MS-Word |
Two reasons why I decided to link this in.
First, it does use Windows scripting in a nice way. I find it motivating. Esp. the nice hack of adding the Word spelling checking to the context menu of IE.
Second, this may (God willing) reduce the number of spelling mistakes I make around here..
Posted to general by Ehud Lamm on 1/21/02; 6:36:51 AM
Dan Shappir - Re: Quick spelling checker using MS-Word ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
1/22/2002; 12:28:52 AM (reads: 682, responses: 1)
Nice script, but it has a bug :)
The wdDoNotSaveChanges constant is undefined (it's defined in the Word type library which isn't included.)
Since it happens to be 0, and VBScript can handle undefined variables, the script still works.
Does this say good things or bad things about VBScript?
Ehud Lamm - Re: Quick spelling checker using MS-Word ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
1/22/2002; 1:57:55 AM (reads: 734, responses: 0)
Well, it does works..
Dan Shappir - Re: Quick spelling checker using MS-Word ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
1/23/2002; 2:31:13 AM (reads: 653, responses: 0)
Here is a demo that is integrated into the browser.
It is also a nice example of a useful web service.
I wonder if this functionality can be integrated into Manila's response text box.