I am currently reading a really great book on Distributed Real-Time Systems in Ada. Its called (appropriatly) "Ada in Distributed Real-Time Systems", and it is by a guy named Kjell Nielsen. The book itself is about 12 years old (published in 1990) (i picked it up on Ebay), but the information is still good. Some items he talks about (such as inter-process communication techniques) were made irrelevant with Ada 95's tasking model, but the techniques he disucsses are solid and can be applied to languages that dont have the Ada 95 features.
Its a shame that Ada never really caught on, i think it is an excellent language in alot of ways. Its type model is draconian to say the least, but since when is progam correctness a bad thing? The satisfaction of knowing that once the program compiles, it will run (almost) without fail, is a nice feeling. And things like the Ada 95 task model make multi-tasking programs alot easier to write (the only other language (that i know) that seems to come close with this is Erlang). Not to mention the fact that its _fast_ too, at times faster than C.
Oh well, i guess there is no accounting for taste in languages either (how else can one explain the success of VB).
