Top trends
started 2/15/2002; 6:52:31 AM - last post 2/17/2002; 7:56:59 AM
Ehud Lamm - Top trends 
2/15/2002; 6:52:31 AM (reads: 314, responses: 3)
What are the top trends in programming languages? I am not talking research here, I am thinking about the things that are currently hot.. I've come up with some:
- XML/XSL. As a way of expressing DSLs; XSL based tools etc.
- Scripting languages (I hate this term. Maybe Light Languages is better, though I don't ,uch care for it either. Anyway, you know what I mean).
- Web services (As a distribution model; WSDL etc.). Maybe this should go under XML.
- .Net (CLR/CLI etc.) [VMs suddenly look like a new and exciting topic]
- Modules (Integrating better module systems into existing languages etc.) The trend is for larger libraries ('APIs').
- Security & Trust (This includes V&V, proof carrying code, mobile code etc.)
Comments/suggestions, anyone?

Jo Totland - Re: Top trends 
2/16/2002; 4:43:32 PM (reads: 342, responses: 0)
And of course, that we are suddenly in a situation where it is becoming commonplace to use other languages than C or C++. Today surprisingly many people are actually using other languages for real work as well, with the most prominent examples being Java, Perl, Python, Javascript, XML-related stuff, etc...
And there are strong signs that this is a trend that will not die out shortly. The promises of .NET will make it much easier to make relatively different languages interoperate. New web-related languages are popping up like the plague. Windows script host allows you to do scripting in many different scripting languages.
Domain specific languages are on the rise, not just for web-related stuff. Look at e.g. CML which is likely to be used as the new configuration language for the linux kernel (and probably quite a few other projects).

Dan Shappir - Re: Top trends 
2/17/2002; 5:50:32 AM (reads: 327, responses: 1)
I would like to point out two programming trends that are both longer term and more general than those pointed out by Ehud. In fact, some of the trends pointed out by Ehud can be seen as a subset, or a specific facet of them:
- APIs - Where once applications tended to be closed boxes, performing some specific operation, today many applications expose a programming interface. These interfaces enable automation of tasks and also allow interoperation between disparate applications.
- Components - Using several, independently compiled programs as building blocks for a single application/system. This goes hand-in-hand with the previous item as you need an API for said components to interact.
Obviously these technologies have been around for years, but my personal experience has shown them moving from the limelight to center stage (my experience is mainly on the Windows platform, but I think the same is true for other platforms as well though the timeframes may be different).
As I've stated above, come of the trends Ehud has pointed out are facets or a specific application of these trends:
- XML - A standard means for data exchange is essential for establishing API protocols.
- Web Services - Bringing components to the web, and APIs to web servers.
- .NET - Microsoft's attempt to overcome many of the inherent limitations of COM/DCOM.
- Security and trust - also highly important for (mobile) components.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Top trends 
2/17/2002; 7:56:59 AM (reads: 390, responses: 0)
I agree. Indeed, I'd put the emphasis on components, and component based design.
I was trying to give specific technologies. A few years ago, for example, if you wanted to explain what is meant by frameworks you use MFC as an example. I was trying to come up with more up to date examples, without forgetting anything important.
