started 2/15/2002; 8:22:52 AM - last post 2/16/2002; 8:44:33 AM
Ehud Lamm - Misc 
2/15/2002; 8:22:52 AM (reads: 1355, responses: 8)
Misc |
While I was away there were some good posts in the discussion group, that should have been on the homepage. Like I said before, being a contributing editor is free, and you can post to the homepage whenever you feel it is warranted. You just have to let me know you want in, and I'll add you to the list.
This helps the site run smoothly when I am away or busy, and generally saves me time.
More importantly, I'd like to know if I am the only one who sufferes from terrible response times from the lambda-the-ultimate.org server. And I mean terrible: It can take more that 5 minutes to get a discussion group item. Let me know.
Posted to admin by Ehud Lamm on 2/15/02; 8:44:29 AM

Chris Rathman - Re: Misc 
2/15/2002; 9:39:50 AM (reads: 951, responses: 0)
The responsiveness seems to come and go.
Right now, LtU is taking quite awhile to get around - though I don't have the patience to wait 5 minutes.

Frank Atanassow - Re: Misc 
2/15/2002; 9:44:46 AM (reads: 949, responses: 0)
Response times are terrible. I've wanted to mention it many times, but felt it was impolite. Not that that usually stops me, but... :)

Bryn Keller - Re: Misc 
2/15/2002; 12:27:32 PM (reads: 940, responses: 0)
Not only does it often take a reeeeaaaally long time to get a response, I often get connection refused lately.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Misc 
2/15/2002; 1:21:39 PM (reads: 919, responses: 1)
I was specifically talking about the last couple of days, by the way.
Well, as you know LtU is makes use of the free hosting provided by Userland, and I have no real control. I'll try to find out what's going on, and I hope things will get better.
I know Userland wants toget out of free hosting so I am a bit worried.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Misc 
2/15/2002; 1:48:39 PM (reads: 984, responses: 0)
Frank Atanassow - Re: Misc 
2/15/2002; 3:41:45 PM (reads: 918, responses: 2)
Well, as you know LtU is makes use of the free hosting provided by Userland, and I have no real control.
Indeed, that's why I thought there wasn't much point in complaining, but since you asked...

Ehud Lamm - Re: Misc 
2/16/2002; 12:28:31 AM (reads: 958, responses: 1)
I wasn't complaining, only assessing the situation.

Frank Atanassow - Re: Misc 
2/16/2002; 8:44:33 AM (reads: 1014, responses: 0)
I wasn't complaining, only assessing the situation
I was only speaking for myself.
