A few of points related to the comments on ML speed -
- SML doesn't (afaik) have continuations, although SMLNJ has them as a non-standard extension.
- I thought that SMLNJ was supposed to be getting faster (it's now based on the Flint intermediate language project; I don't know if that has eveolved from the original SMLNJ code, or whether it's new, but it's certainly still evolving). http://flint.cs.yale.edu/
- MLTon is a whole-program ML optimizer. I haven't used it yet, but if anyone is interested in fast ML code, it might be interesting. http://www.sourcelight.com/MLton/
- There was a comment in the mail at http://www.cs.utah.edu/plt/mailarch/plt-scheme-2002/msg00383.html which said:
"A bigger problem is handling some kinds of growth and extensibility,
for which subtyping seems to be essential (though Greg Cooper at Brown
is trying to convince me otherwise, and not failing so far). Merging
object polymorphism with parametric polymorphism, doing this in the
presence of type inference, and offering users principal types -- this
is a huge big open problem."
I have had the same worries; ML advocates claim that HOF help, and it's certainly easier to use higher HOFs in ML than Lisp (imho). On the other hand, I thought OCaml did all this, if you want to go down the object/inheritance route (there are other possibilities too, of course - something like Haskell's classes, and PolyML does something, but I can't remember what).
PS Email to the address I am registered with doesn't work; I'll re-register soon, but the registration page doesn't render properly on my machine at the moment (Linux/KDE...)