A survey of language popularity
started 3/25/2002; 4:27:52 AM - last post 3/26/2002; 11:41:19 PM
Ehud Lamm - A survey of language popularity 
3/25/2002; 4:27:52 AM (reads: 1384, responses: 6)
A survey of language popularity |
I hate this sort of thing (and I wouldn't trust these results, anyway), but maybe someone will be interested.
If one really must measure language popularity (instead of language quality), what would be the best methodology?
Posted to general by Ehud Lamm on 3/25/02; 4:28:11 AM

Noel Welsh - Re: A survey of language popularity 
3/25/2002; 9:07:14 AM (reads: 1380, responses: 1)
Ehud asks:
> If one really must measure language popularity (instead of language
> quality), what would be the best methodology?
Sales of `Teach Yourself x in y hours'. In fact I think you should weight by the inverse of the number of hours taken to learn the language ;-)

Ehud Lamm - Re: A survey of language popularity 
3/25/2002; 11:34:43 AM (reads: 1404, responses: 0)
In that case you'd need to find a Teach yourself COBOL in 1 hour book...
Perceptions are often misleading.

Josh Cogliati - Re: A survey of language popularity 
3/26/2002; 7:26:32 AM (reads: 1378, responses: 1)
Based on Amazon's top sellers
The list of popular selling books:
1. C#
2-6. Java
7. Perl
8. JavaScript
9. Java
10. Visual Basic
11. UML
12. Perl
13. Java
14. C
15. Java
16-17. Visual Basic
18-19. Java
20. Weblogic?
21. Java
22. C#
23. Perl
24. Visual Basic
25. C#
There you have it. The most popular language is Java (11), followed by Visual Basic (4) followed closely by C# (3) and Perl (3). Of course since I don't have actual sales numbers, this is not too accurate. Also this is measuring the change
in language usage, not the total language usage since most programmers
don't need to buy more books for languages that they already know.

Ehud Lamm - Re: A survey of language popularity 
3/26/2002; 10:36:10 AM (reads: 1376, responses: 0)
And, of course, knowing a language and using it are totally different things. (Heck, most often you use the language you know the least).

andrew cooke - Re: A survey of language popularity 
3/26/2002; 4:56:36 PM (reads: 1318, responses: 1)
Weblogic is a J2EE implementation (Java web/business site stuff).

Ehud Lamm - Re: A survey of language popularity 
3/26/2002; 11:41:19 PM (reads: 1349, responses: 0)