Early Adopters Like Visual Studio .Net
started 4/2/2002; 12:16:35 AM - last post 4/2/2002; 12:38:44 AM
Ehud Lamm - Early Adopters Like Visual Studio .Net ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
4/2/2002; 12:16:35 AM (reads: 630, responses: 2)
Early Adopters Like Visual Studio .Net |
The recent launch of Visual Studio .Net and .Net Framework was anticlimactic for some developers who had already deployed applications and Web services based on these technologies. As the early adopters now reflect on their experiences, there is remarkable consensus about the value of what Microsoft Corp. has achieved and the obstacles that still lie ahead.
You may want to skip directly to the pros and cons section.
Posted to general by Ehud Lamm on 4/2/02; 12:16:55 AM
Adam Vandenberg - Re: Early Adopters Like Visual Studio .Net ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
4/2/2002; 12:28:19 AM (reads: 621, responses: 0)
"Powerful integrated drive electronics"
Er... what?
Oh wait, I bet an editor mis-expanded "IDE".
Ehud Lamm - Re: Early Adopters Like Visual Studio .Net ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
4/2/2002; 12:38:44 AM (reads: 637, responses: 0)
This is hilarious. (Confession: My eyes totally missed this line. But let this be our April 2 (off by one error) joke)