Lambda the Ultimate

inactiveTopic Normal-order evaluation as bottom-up parsing
started 5/18/2002; 3:58:53 AM - last post 5/18/2002; 3:58:53 AM
Ehud Lamm - Normal-order evaluation as bottom-up parsing  blueArrow
5/18/2002; 3:58:53 AM (reads: 1268, responses: 0)
Normal-order evaluation as bottom-up parsing
This message announces a normal-order lambda-calculator integrated with Haskell. The calculator implements what seems to be an efficient and elegant algorithm of normal order reductions. The algorithm is "more functional" than the traditionally used approach.

Nice integration with Haskell. In fact, you may argue that the LC evalutor is a DSL embedded in Haskell.

Posted to LC by Ehud Lamm on 5/18/02; 3:59:52 AM