C and C++: Siblings
started 6/6/2002; 7:04:29 AM - last post 6/7/2002; 1:13:36 PM
Dan Shappir - C and C++: Siblings ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
6/6/2002; 7:04:29 AM (reads: 948, responses: 4)
C and C++: Siblings |
We're at a crossroads for compatibility between C and C++. Can siblings go their separate ways and still remain on speaking terms? In this first of three parts, Bjarne provides context for the discussion.
Bjarne Stroustrup discusses the relationships between the various C and C++ standards and paints the picture(s) of things to come. And yes, he refers to C++ as a sibling of C, not a descendant.
Posted to general by Dan Shappir on 6/6/02; 7:05:46 AM
Dan Shappir - Re: C and C++: Siblings ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
6/6/2002; 7:12:50 AM (reads: 971, responses: 0)
Note that this article has lots of PL related gems:
- The rules defining "the spirit of C".
- The stated philosophy of C++ (from the original language designer)
- The emphasis in the evolution of C89 and C99
Ehud Lamm - Re: C and C++: Siblings ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
6/6/2002; 7:41:02 AM (reads: 964, responses: 0)
Well, as far as I can tell he says that both ISO C++ and ISO C are descendants of Classic C. So this makes C++ a descendant of C.
Can you find a permalink for this article? I have a feeling that the current URL will not last.
Dan Shappir - Re: C and C++: Siblings ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
6/6/2002; 10:35:19 AM (reads: 938, responses: 0)
Seems that they (CUJ)keep all their old features online but change the URL when they are moved into the archive. We will need to remember to change the URL when this event happens. In the mean time:
A longer technical report that presents more historical context and many more examples is available online [3].
Note that this article is in PDF format.
As to C++ sibling/descendant issue - obviously C++ is a descendant of a version of C. I'm just using Stroustrup's own terminology: C++ is a sibling of the latest C standard (C99).
Ehud Lamm - Re: C and C++: Siblings ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
6/7/2002; 1:13:36 PM (reads: 838, responses: 0)
What other examples do we have of languages remaining closley related over a long period of time? (But let's not have an Is Scheme a Lisp fight )