Of a special note is a comparison of Biglook, Tcl/Tk, Swing and GTK on
an example of a widget with several buttons. In Biglook, the creation
of a button, its packing and the setting of the event handler are all
part of the same expression. In Tcl/Tk, the code that deals with a
button is spread out in three places. In Swing, the same code is split
in 4 places. In GTK, in 5 places. The paper notes that in the
experience of the authors, the Biglook source code is about twice
smaller than the same interface implemented in Tcl/Tk, and about four
times smaller that the interface implemented in C with GTK+.
Another Usenix summary from Oleg.
As usual, the new summary is at the end of the file.
Posted to general by Ehud Lamm on 7/28/02; 4:18:20 AM