10 Reasons We Need Java 3.0
started 8/10/2002; 12:26:58 AM - last post 8/10/2002; 2:32:09 AM
jon fernquest - 10 Reasons We Need Java 3.0 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
8/10/2002; 12:26:58 AM (reads: 2116, responses: 1)
10 Reasons We Need Java 3.0 |
How would you shrink Java and rebuild it?
This article imagines a "Java 3" that jettisons the baggage of the last decade,
and proposes numerous changes to the core language, virtual machine, and
class libraries. The focus here is on those changes that many people (including
the Java developers at Sun) would really like to make, but can't -- primarily for
reasons of backwards compatibility.
- 1. Redesign class loading from scratch.
- 2. Redesign I/O.
- 3. Rationalize the collections.
- 4. Ditch the AWT.
- 5. Convert file formats to XML.
- 6. Fix threads.
- 7. Extend chars to four bytes.
- 8. Eliminate primitive data types.
- 9. Fix incorrect naming conventions.
- 10. Delete all deprecated methods, fields, classes, and interfaces.
Posted to OOP by jon fernquest on 8/10/02; 12:32:54 AM
Ehud Lamm - Re: 10 Reasons We Need Java 3.0 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
8/10/2002; 2:32:09 AM (reads: 1028, responses: 0)