Semantics of Programming Languages: A Tool-Oriented Approach
started 8/16/2002; 2:48:38 AM - last post 8/16/2002; 12:37:23 PM
jon fernquest - Semantics of Programming Languages: A Tool-Oriented Approach ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
8/16/2002; 2:48:38 AM (reads: 1486, responses: 2)
Semantics of Programming Languages: A Tool-Oriented Approach |
Programming language semantics has lost touch with large groups
of potential users. Among the reasons for this unfortunate state
of affairs, one stands out. Semantic results are rarely incorporated in
practical systems that would help language designers to implement
and test a language under development, or assist programmers in
answering their questions about the meaning of some language feature
not properly documented in the language's reference manual. Nevertheless,
such systems are potentially more effective in bringing semantics-based
formalisms and techniques to the places they are needed than their
dissemination in publications, courses, or even exemplary (but little-used)
programming languages.
Posted to Software-Eng by jon fernquest on 8/16/02; 2:55:17 AM
Frank Atanassow - Re: Semantics of Programming Languages: A Tool-Oriented Approach ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
8/16/2002; 11:17:45 AM (reads: 679, responses: 1)
May I suggest that, when you post a discussion with a link to an article, it would be helpful to readers and equitable to the authors to also include the authors' names somewhere in the discussion summary?
Ehud Lamm - Re: Semantics of Programming Languages: A Tool-Oriented Approach ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
8/16/2002; 12:37:23 PM (reads: 713, responses: 0)
Right. I try to give the complete citation when posting about a specific paper. It really helps when you try locate a posting later on using google.