Little Languages: Little Maintenance?
started 9/2/2002; 10:47:47 PM - last post 9/6/2002; 3:04:55 AM
jon fernquest - Little Languages: Little Maintenance?
9/2/2002; 10:47:47 PM (reads: 2070, responses: 4)
Little Languages: Little Maintenance? |
A case study of a DSL used by a bank to describe financial products.
An extensive COBOL library of financial engineering routines
was already used by the bank, but
"using this library directly in COBOL did not provide the right level of abstraction, and
cumbersome encoding tricks were needed to use, e.g., lists without a fixed length."
was used to translate the DSL code into a sequence of library calls in COBOL.
The DSL reduced the turnaround time for designing new products, but
"on the negative side, it is not so easy to extend the language.
When a new data type or a new built-in function is required,
the compiler as well as the COBOL library, need to be adapted."
The DSL was made more accessible to financial experts with a front-end:
"End-users can combine existing components into a new product
by filling in the answers of a questionnaire."
Another Tcl/Tk generating DSL created the questionnaires.
The costs and benefits of using a DSL are enumerated,
along with effects on maintainability.
A list of DSL design questions to ask is also given.
(Little Languages: Little Maintenance?,
Posted to DSL by jon fernquest on 9/2/02; 10:57:26 PM
Ehud Lamm - Re: Little Languages: Little Maintenance?
9/3/2002; 2:52:21 AM (reads: 929, responses: 0)
The focus of the paper, if I am not mistaken, is on the maintenance advnatages of DSL code versus code written in general purpose language.
This seems to miss one of the main maintenance advanatges of DSLs: the fact that many maintenance changes can be imposed by changing the language processor, and not the user-written DSL code.
For example, suppose you need to add some validity check to many programs. It may be possible to implement these checks as part of the DSL interpreter. This means that change the code have been O(n) where n is the number of user written scripts, becomes O(1) - the change is completely localized.
This can be of prime importance when the DSL code is distributed between many departments and, perhaps, georaphical locations -- and is owned be people of varying skills and schedules.
This can be an essential factor. Consider things like security policies that are mandated from abouve, and must be implemented immediately across the board.
jon fernquest - Re: Little Languages: Little Maintenance?
9/4/2002; 2:18:04 AM (reads: 872, responses: 1)
>This seems to miss one of the main maintenance advantages of DSLs:
>the fact that many maintenance changes can be imposed by
>changing the language processor, and not the user-written DSL code...
> This can be of prime importance when the DSL code is distributed
> between many departments and, perhaps, geographical locations
> -- and is owned be people of varying skills and schedules.
Products are usually designed at corporate headquarters, though.
But maybe they are designed at several foreign subsidiaries in which case
like you say the DSL could enforce uniformity and non-redundancy.
But the theme of the paper seems to be:
putting a dependable old COBOL library to best use.
(using the library directly in COBOL
versus DSL code that is transformed into
a sequence of library calls)
Many organizations are stuck with old Fortran
and Cobol libraries, but still want to move ahead,
evolve with the times, and use new functionality like
GUI questionnaires in Tcl/Tk or functional programming.
Financial engineers usually have been exposed to
and are open to new innovative techniques.
Take Mathematica and Fortran.
You used to write scientific numerical analysis programs
in Fortran calling the IMSL library (that's what Wolfram
who wrote Mathematica did at Stanford, I believe)
Now you have a nice funcitonal programming DSL that
can even be used to write new routines from scratch,
e.g. the combinatorics library.
Ehud Lamm - Re: Little Languages: Little Maintenance?
9/4/2002; 2:22:15 AM (reads: 942, responses: 0)
All true. I just said that not all chnages are done to the DSL code, changes can be done at the level of the DSL processor. [And we still haven't talked about maintaining the DSL processor itself...]
jon fernquest - Re: Little Languages: Little Maintenance?
9/6/2002; 3:04:55 AM (reads: 823, responses: 0)
> All true. I just said that not all chnages are done to the DSL code,
> changes can be done at the level of the DSL processor.
> [And we still haven't talked about maintaining the DSL processor itself...]
Modularity would make the DSL processor more maintainable.
Modular monadic action semantics allow
"domain specific specifications to be made at a variety of levels"
at the level of the DSL processor and at the level of DSL code as argued in
Wansborough's paper
which summarizes his
From Author's Page]
Keith Wansbrough and John Hamer (1997). A Modular
Monadic Action Semantics. In The Conference on Domain-Specific
Languages, Proceedings, Santa Barbara, California,
October 15-17, 1997, The USENIX Association, pp. 157-170.
Abstract. .ps.gz (66K).
P.S. I'm actually trying to get this system running with some simple DSL examples
at which time I will have something more concrete to talk about.
I wonder whether these semantics based language design-protyping systems
might ultimately suffer the same problems as the LISP/CLOS MOP (meta-Object Protocol),
namely that the line between language designers and language users (i.e. programmers)
gets blurred. When programmers can (sometimes arbitrarily) change the language
they are programming in...some conservative types...that have to keep systems operational...
might get concerned. Lisp-Scheme macros likewise are supposed to be used for language
extension, not every program, but often are used habitual by programmers...for things
that aren't language extensions)
I guess with proper layering you can restrict access to layers also,
like DSL program writers are not DSL processor writers.
Just as Perl and Python have been the great popularizers of many concepts
in computer science and programming languages,
the potential exists for a do-it-yourself language creation system,
what would a popularizing language creation system look like?