Short break
started 9/5/2002; 6:38:22 AM - last post 9/11/2002; 9:14:26 AM
Ehud Lamm - Short break 
9/5/2002; 6:38:22 AM (reads: 903, responses: 2)
Biep - Re: Short break 
9/11/2002; 12:26:05 AM (reads: 454, responses: 1)
Pity I only read this today.. We could have met.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Short break 
9/11/2002; 9:14:26 AM (reads: 480, responses: 0)
It was such a short visit we wouldn't have found the time.
But next time, I'll be sure to let you know in advance
