Creating applications with Mozilla
started 10/17/2002; 1:58:24 PM - last post 10/19/2002; 1:00:59 AM
Michael Vanier - Creating applications with Mozilla 
10/17/2002; 1:58:24 PM (reads: 1610, responses: 4)
Creating applications with Mozilla |
This is the online version of a book that's just come out, published by O'Reilly. It got a rave review on Slashdot. The reviewer seems to think that the Mozilla project represents a new paradigm for software engineering, arguing that the ubiquitous use of XML and script languages like javascript to customize Mozilla makes the project much more than a browser (he compares it to emacs, and the comparison sounds valid). I'm definitely going to read the book. If nothing else, it will give me a good excuse to learn XML ;-)
Posted to Software-Eng by Michael Vanier on 10/17/02; 1:58:49 PM

Ehud Lamm - Re: Creating applications with Mozilla 
10/17/2002; 2:47:01 PM (reads: 769, responses: 0)
There's an interesting dynamic here. Some try to use languages to define platforms: Java and later on and to a lesser extent .Net
The reaction is building platforms like Mozilla, which in turn favor certain languages (e.g., Javascript).

AndyEd - Re: Creating applications with Mozilla 
10/17/2002; 5:35:17 PM (reads: 756, responses: 0)
Michael Vanier - Re: Creating applications with Mozilla 
10/18/2002; 11:46:38 PM (reads: 639, responses: 0)
So, I've read the first two chapters. Unfortunately, the installation directions for the very first example crash and burn utterly, and from the comments on the web page, other people are having exactly the same problem as me: mozilla simply doesn't recognize the package information that is provided. I have no idea what the problem is, but I must say that (a) I really don't think you should have to muck around as root to install a simple package, and (b) when the very first example fails, it does not increase my confidence in the whole approach. I hope the authors fix the instructions ASAP. This won't help those who buy the paper copy of the book.

Michael Vanier - Re: Creating applications with Mozilla 
10/19/2002; 1:00:59 AM (reads: 644, responses: 0)
*Ack* It turns out I was doing something wrong, and when I fixed it the installation worked as it is described in the book. You still have to be root to install the package, but other than that it's no big deal. So the people who shelled out for the paper copy are saved ;-) For those debian users like myself who have installed mozilla as a debian package, here is the trick: put the "xfly" directory as a subdirectory of /usr/lib/mozilla/chrome, not /var/lib/mozilla/chrome. It's an easy mistake to make because the file "installed-chrome.txt" lives in /var/lib/mozilla/chrome but is symlinked from /usr/lib/mozilla/chrome.
