Type-Directed Natural Language Parsing
started 10/26/2002; 9:02:13 AM - last post 10/29/2002; 2:12:30 AM
Ehud Lamm - Type-Directed Natural Language Parsing 
10/26/2002; 9:02:13 AM (reads: 2745, responses: 4)
Type-Directed Natural Language Parsing |
Sebastian Shaumyan, Paul Hudak. Linguistic, Philosopical, and Pragmatic Aspects of Type-Directed Natural Language Parsing presented at the 1997 Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics.
Why this should interest LtU readers is, I hope, obvious.
This is related to things we discussed recently. However, the approach here is slightly different.
An earlier version of this work is also available.
Posted to functional by Ehud Lamm on 10/26/02; 9:07:55 AM

Ehud Lamm - Re: Type-Directed Natural Language Parsing 
10/26/2002; 12:00:10 PM (reads: 1029, responses: 0)
Notice that the splits function (sec. 5.3) is equivalent to the idiomatic use of non deterministic Append in Prolog.

Frank Atanassow - Re: Type-Directed Natural Language Parsing 
10/28/2002; 1:03:12 AM (reads: 982, responses: 1)
Using Types to Parse Natural Language,
Mark P. Jones, Paul Hudak, and Sebastian Shaumyan, In
Proceedings of the Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, July 1995. To be published in the Springer-Verlag Workshops in Computer Science Series.
which has working code.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Type-Directed Natural Language Parsing 
10/28/2002; 2:12:05 AM (reads: 1012, responses: 0)
Hey! I gave this link in the original message!

Frank Atanassow - Re: Type-Directed Natural Language Parsing 
10/29/2002; 2:12:30 AM (reads: 927, responses: 0)
Oh, uh, well, uh, I thought it bore repeating.
Yeah. That's it.
