I am running out of titles
started 10/31/2002; 4:46:32 AM - last post 10/31/2002; 8:42:10 PM
Ehud Lamm - I am running out of titles 
10/31/2002; 4:46:32 AM (reads: 1096, responses: 4)
David Thompson - Re: I am running out of titles 
10/31/2002; 10:38:17 AM (reads: 626, responses: 0)
Make it easier to submit stories!

Jay Han - Re: I am running out of titles 
10/31/2002; 11:33:57 AM (reads: 606, responses: 1)
Question: is member same as contributing editor? I am a happy member and I contribute whenever I can (actually I just did).

Ehud Lamm - Re: I am running out of titles 
10/31/2002; 12:32:42 PM (reads: 654, responses: 0)
Contributing editors can post items to the home page. That's the main difference. Usually members that contrbute often, agree to become contributing editors.
Both editors post using the same basic browser based one-click interface.

Michael Vanier - Re: I am running out of titles 
10/31/2002; 8:42:10 PM (reads: 589, responses: 0)
What's the problem? I contribute whenever I come across an interesting story. I don't feel the need to scour the internet searching for stories.
