Computer Programming as an Art
started 11/9/2002; 3:02:45 AM - last post 11/9/2002; 3:25:34 AM
Luke Gorrie - Computer Programming as an Art 
11/9/2002; 3:02:45 AM (reads: 1149, responses: 1)
Ehud Lamm - Re: Computer Programming as an Art 
11/9/2002; 3:25:34 AM (reads: 911, responses: 0)
One good quote:
Language designers also have the obligation to provide languages that encourage good style, since we all know that style is strongly influenced by the language in which it is expressed. The present surge of interest in structured programming has revealed that none of our existing languages is really ideal for dealing with program and data structure, nor is it clear what an ideal language should be.
