This article describes a methodology for testing interactive graphical applications in embedded systems.
This reminds me of couple of years back when I got dragged into a crisis project where some 25 branches for a bank were using a VB app tied to a centralized OracleDB. The app worked fine except that during the busy times of day the network got congested and the app would hang on a transaction - causing all branches to hang waiting for the transaction to complete.
The problem turned out to be that the user would get ahead of the app at certain times and conditions. When certain threads slowed down, the user could run ahead of the app by starting another process which relied on the first thread being completed.
At the time, the tools for running regression tests for user input was almost impossible. We had a tool which could record keystrokes in a macro but it had all sorts of problems doing mouse input.
Posted to "" by Chris Rathman on 1/4/01; 9:57:23 AM